You can report many things online using one of our forms, please select relevant link below.
Many of our forms will be unavailable From Friday 17 January 2025 at 5:30pm until Monday 20 January 9am. This is due to essential maintenance. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Find out more on the planned maintenance page.
Change of address for council tenants and people who own their own home
Change of address for private landlord (non council) tenants
Find out more information on benefits on our benefits pages
Councillors & Meetings
Standards Committee - Code of Conduct complaint
Find more information about councillors on our Councillors and meetings pages
Council tax
Information for landlords
Notify us if you are purchasing a property to let or there has been a change in tenancy of a property that you let
Tell us something has changed or about a move
Let us know if there are change in your circumstances or you're moving into the area or moving out?
Tell us once
Notify us of a death
Find out more about Council Tax on our Council tax pages
Consumer advice or make a complaint about goods or services
Make a complaint about goods or services
Find out more on our Consumer advice page
Problems with a right of way
Please note, this form is only for reporting issues with a public rights of way, such as a public footpath or bridleway. Please report a problem with a pavement or road here.
Report a problem with hedges or verges
Report an issue with a hedge or verge alongside a road
Report motorised vehicles on a public right of way
Find out more on our environment pages
People & Community
Report an owner for not picking up after their dog
Flyposting and graffiti on public property
Find out more within our People and Community pages
Food safety
Find out more on our food safety pages
Anti social behaviour (Cornwall Housing tenants)
Cornwall Housing comments and complaints
Cornwall Housing housing repair
Private Sector Housing DefectFind out more on our housing pages
Planning enforcement
Find out more about planning on our planning pages
Roads and parking
Hedges and verges (overgrown hedges, verges or trees)
- a street light
- illuminated street signs and bollards
- non emergency issues with permanent traffic lights
- controlled pedestrian crossings
Minor flooding and blocked drains
Mud, debris or spillage on a road
Road markings, signs and bollards
Damaged or missing road sign, road marking or bollard
Issues with roads, including large areas of uneven surface, depressions, trench failure, edge deterioration, crazing or crumbling road surface.
Street works problemFind out more about roads and highways on our roads, highways and pavements pages
Find out more about parking on our parking pages.
Rubbish, recycling and waste
Fly Tipping and illegal dumping
Flyposting and graffiti on public property
Including litter, needles/syringes, broken glass, dog poo, bloody and bodily waste, leaves and plant debris