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Report flyposting and graffiti on Council land and property

Flyposting and graffiti are illegal. They spoil both public and private property and can be very costly to remove.

They are both criminal offences. They carry large fines given out by magistrates, or up to an £80 fixed penalty notice issued by the local authority or police. If you see any one applying flyposting or graffiti you should report it to: 

  • us using the online reporting form on this page
  • Devon & Cornwall Police

Please note, we can only remove graffiti or flyposting from council managed land and buildings.


Flyposting is the unauthorised placing of signs, posters or stickers, usually advertisements or promoting events. They are placed without the permission of the owner of the property or structure.

The Council takes flyposting seriously. When you report flyposting to us, we will make enquiries into the source of the material and take action if possible.


Graffiti is words or drawings written, painted, sprayed or scratched onto the surface of any property or structure.

We are responsible for removing graffiti from:

  • public buildings
  • street furniture
  • monuments

Removal of graffiti from telephone boxes, bus shelters, electricity boxes, etc, is the responsibility of the company that owns them.


Report flyposting and graffiti on Council managed land and buildings

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