If you need to report something that is causing an immediate danger or is an emergency please call 0300 1234 222.
To let us know about a problem you have found with a road or pavement, please use the forms below. We will not accept reports made via a third party system or organisation.
Track the progress of something you have reported
Electrical problem
Report a problem with:
- a street light
- illuminated street signs and bollards
- non emergency issues with permanent traffic lights
- controlled pedestrian crossings
Report a pothole in a road or pavement
Hedges and verges
Report issues with overgrown hedges or verges.
Report an issue with a hedge or verge online
Please do not use this form for routine/general grass cutting requests.
Find out more about grass cutting
Problems with trees
Report an issue with a
- fallen tree/branch causing a concern on the highway
- tree encroachment
- unstable tree
- dead/dying tree
that present potential safety, obstruction or visibility concerns.
Minor flooding and blocked drains
- standing water (after it has stopped raining)
- flooding
- blocked drain
- water flowing from adjoining land
- flooding of property
Report minor flooding and blocked drains on the highway
Parking issues
Report an illegal parking issue to our parking enforcement team.
Temporary road works
Report an issue with:
- traffic lights
- skips
- scaffolds
- hoardings
- other issues with roadworks
This may include cones, pedestrian barriers, unprotected excavations and Builders’ materials. As well as footway crossings, banners or bunting.
Report an issue with temporary road works online
Road surfaces
Report issues with roads, including:
- large areas of uneven surface
- depressions
- trench failure
- edge deterioration
- crazing or crumbling road surface
Please do not use this form to report potholes.
Report an issue with a road surface online
Road markings, signs and bollards
Report a damaged or missing road sign, road marking or bollard.
Report an issue with road markings, signs and bollards
Fences or barriers
Report damaged safety barriers or fences on the road.
Report damaged fences or barriers
Report broken or rocking manholes or drain covers.
Report an issue with a manhole or drain cover online
Bridges and structures
Report issues with damaged bridges, retaining walls or structures.
Report issues with bridges and structures
Street furniture
Street furniture is a collective term for objects and pieces of equipment installed along streets and roads for various purposes such as bike racks, bins, bus stops, planter boxes etc.
Report an issue with street furniture online
Mud, debris or spillages
Report an issue with mud, debris or spillages on the road
Report mud, debris or spillages on the road
Other issues
Report any other road defects not listed in the options above.
Examples might include: missing/uneven block paving, loose kerbs, minor (not dangerous) land/hedge slip.
Report other issues with roads, highways or a footway
Please do not use this to report emergencies. Call 0300 1234 222.
For general highways enquiries please contact us using the form below.
Public rights of way issues
A public right of way is a route over land which the public has a legal right to use at any time. Some paths may be surfaced although most are tracks across countryside owned by landowners. These are not highways or roads.
Report an issue on a public footpath, bridleway or byway.