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General planning advice and guidance

Below you will find links to a variety of our general planning advice webpages and guidance notes.  These are listed A-Z.

You can find links to other specific guidance, on our main Planning Advice and Guidance page or related content on this page. (For example, planning policy or historic environment guidance)

Additional development guidance

Guidance for:

  • agricultural buildings (including Class Q and Class R)
  • annexes
  • use classes
  • Fire Service access and facilities

Advertisements and signs

What you can do and when you need to apply for advertisement consent

Air source heat pumps and planning

Permitted development rights limits and conditions, properties in designations and noise.


Search for an appeal, when to appeal, how to submit, the process and decision

Application process

A quick walk through the application process from frontscreening to the decision, and how to complain

Article 4s

Article 4s give extra planning controls in an area. Check if your property is affected.

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

Information and guidance of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) validation requirements


Planning, premises and pre-application advice, working from home and advice for farmers

Civil ceremonies/wedding venues

Planning permission may be required depending on the circumstances of the venue and the current use class.  This page sets out planning options as well as a link to licensing information.

Common planning complaints

How to complain about a planning application, and common issues raised

Constraints on development

Types of constraints affecting development and a link to internet mapping to view constraint areas


How to set up and use our Consultee Access system and links to the online planning register

Design and access statements

When a design and access statement is needed and how to write one

Discharging planning conditions

Make a request to discharge a condition, fees/charges and exceptions

Divisional Ward Member role

What Members can do in planning, controls and responsibilities and the Planning Protocol for Members

High hedges

Advice if you think that an evergreen high hedge is harming the enjoyment of your property, home or garden, and how to complain to the Council

Householder guidance

Submitting a householder planning application, ecology advice for eaves and roofs

How planning applications are decided

Decisions made by officers (delegated decisions) and those that go to Area or Strategic Planning Committees

How to respond to planning applications

Commenting on a planning application - what to include and what is relevant

Lawful Development Certificates

What is a Lawful Development Certificate, how to apply for one and how to appeal

Notification and publicity of planning and related applications

Our statutory duty, the different ways we publicise applications and how to view planning applications

Permitted Development Rights

What is permitted development ('PD') and how to find out if your development is or is not PD, planning and ecology, PD changes since 2020

Planning performance agreements

A Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) helps manage the planning process. Find out the advantages, and how to submit a PPA notification form

Residents' planning advice

Useful links to find out about planning in your area and how to apply for planning permission

Revisions and amendments to planning applications

What we will accept as an amendment, amendment criteria and non-material amendments after a planning decision has been made

Section 106 planning obligations

They make development acceptable which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms - how they are used and the process

Short term lets

Information on short term lets controls including a new use class, national register and timescales

Solar panels and planning permission

Solar installations, roof and wall mounted, and standalone, and remember Building Regulations

Sustainable Drainage (SuDS)

Information and guidance on sustainable drainage, land drainage consent, groundwater monitoring, householder and minor extensions flood risk assessments (FRA), siting SuDS in Flood Zones 2 and 3, rainfall modal data and critical drainage areas.


Trees in development, Trees and the environment, and Protected and Dangerous Trees

Validation updates

Link to the 2023 Validation Guide, the latest updates and extra help for a smooth submission 

What we offer

We offer a number of advice services for developers, applicants and agents to help cut through the red tape

Need help?

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