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Developer contributions

Developer Contributions help deliver infrastructure that new homes and local economies need. These contributions are section 106 agreements (s106) and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

A Guide Note setting out our approach to securing developer contributions has been produced.  The purpose of this document is purely to summarise the current position as established by other policy and guidance. 

Infrastructure Funding Statement

Any planning authority that issues a: 

  • CIL liability notice, or
  • enters into section 106 agreement,

needs to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) every year. The IFS includes detail on the amount of:

  • developer contributions collected,
  • allocated, and
  • spent

This is to make the process of infrastructure funding more transparent.  Cornwall Council have produced the latest Infrastructure Funding Statement for 2023/24

s106 Agreements

Planning authorities and developers negotiate s106 agreements. These then secure the contributions necessary to make a development acceptable.

For further information on s106 agreements, please access the following links: 

Planning contributions for primary care services

Cornwall Council has worked with:

  • NHS Kernow;
  • NHS England; and
  • NHS Improvement

Together we have produced the following guidance: 

This guide responds to levels of growth. This will increase impact on primary care services in Cornwall. This growth creates a need for extra resource and funding for health care premises. For example, extra housing increases local population pressure on health care services. The planning system needs to help ensure provision of extra health care in affected areas. The level of extra resource is subject to viability testing. This is supported by both:

The guidance note sets out how NHS Kernow aim to collect financial contributions. This will help to reduce the impact of development on health care provision where need is identified. It relates only to primary care services at present.

Contributions will only be sought where NHS Kernow identify a need. (This is in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement).

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL is a fixed charge per square metre on development. The funds generated help tackle the cumulative impact of development related to infrastructure.

For further information please see our Community Infrastructure Levy web page.

Story Map

The story map provides information on: 

  • s106 monies received in each Parish and Community Network Area;
  • the planning application the receipts relate to;
  • the amount of s106 money spent in the area; and
  • what it was spent on. 

Please note: we update this information every three months for s106 and every six months for CIL.

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