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Notification and publicity of planning and related applications

Publicising planning applications - what you can expect

The Law requires all Local Planning Authorities to publicise planning applications.  This is set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)(England)Order 2015.  This can include:

  • advertisement in a local newspaper;
  • site notice
  • notifying any adjoining owner or occupier 

Not all of the above are required for every application.  We will ensure that we have met the requirements set out in the law when publicising applications.

The best way to ensure you are aware of applications in your area is to set up an alert to never miss a planning application via our online planning register.

Online Planning Register

The online planning register helps you:

  • find;
  • view;
  • make comments on; and
  • track planning applications.

For information on how to do the above, select the above link to the online planning register.

There are separate regulations relating to Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.  

Please see our publicising Planning Applications Facts Sheet for more detailed information on:

  • what the regulations require
  • how Cornwall Council will notify members of the public.

In reaching a decision on planning applications we will always take into account material planning considerations raised by people who comment and/or may be affected by the development. Officers judge them against:

  • the principles in policy documents and
  • other material considerations. 

We will not refuse planning applications where:

  • objections are received and
  • there is no sustainable planning reason to do so.

We use the following to notify neighbours and interested parties on planning applications. This gives the opportunity to make valid planning representations.

Press advertising

Press notices appear in one of the following depending on location:

  • Cornish Guardian
  • West Britain
  • Cornish Times
  • Cornish and Devon Post

Site notices

Where an application requires a site notice, it will be posted in a position where it will be clearly visible and legible to passers-by without the need for them to enter the site.

In respect of larger developments where an application site has more than one road frontage a site notice will be placed on each of the relevant roads.

Neighbour notification

Please note from 1 March 2024 we only notify adjoining owner or occupier on householder applications.

An adjoining owner or occupier is defined as: 'any owner or occupier of land adjoining the application site, i.e. land which shares a boundary with the site'.

Time Periods for Responding to Publicity

The time period for responding to notices and notifications is usually 21 days from the date on the notice or letter. In most cases, the dates may differ and 21 days will be taken from the latest date appearing on an advertisement, a notice or letter. These dates are available to view via the online planning register within the important dates tab.

Planning applications will not be determined before the expiration of the latest period for receiving comments. Whilst every effort should be made to respond within these timescales, comments received later will not automatically be discounted provided there is still time within the life of the application to take them into account.

It is very important to meet any deadline or your comments may not be taken into account.

What comments are taken into account

In reaching a decision on planning applications we will always take into account material planning considerations raised by people who comment and/or may be affected by the development. Officers judge them against:

  • the principles in policy documents and
  • other material considerations. 

We will not refuse planning applications where:

  • objections are received and
  • there is no sustainable planning reason to do so.

Our Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will involve:

  • local communities
  • businesses
  • other interested parties

when preparing planning policies and determining planning applications.

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