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Millpool, West Looe, PL13 2AF

Long stay car park - This is a pay on exit car park

Find out about pay on exit car parks

This car park has some reserved spaces for permit holders only.

This car park also has some marked bays where parking is permitted for 1 hour only - no return within 3 hours.

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Permitted vehicles

Cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, coaches. No trailers or caravans.

No motorhomes or campers 11pm - 8am.


1 April - 31 October

All days 9am - 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £2.30
  • 1 to 2 hours - £4.60
  • 2 to 3 hours - £5.80
  • 3 to 4 hours - £6.80
  • 24 hours - £10.50
  • Weekly - £26.30

All days 6pm - Midnight

  • Evening Session - £2.10

Midnight - 9am

  • No Charge

Coach Charges 9am - Midnight

  • Per hour - £1.90
  • 24 hours - £12.10

1 November - 31 March

All days 9am - 4pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.10
  • 1 to 2 hours - £2.10
  • 2 to 3 hours - £3.20
  • 3 to 4 hours - £5.00
  • 24 hours - £6.30
  • Weekly - £15.80

All days 4pm - 9am

  • No Charge

Coach Charges 9am - 4pm

  • Per hour - £1.90
  • 24 hours - £12.10


  • Pay Station (all coins 10p to £2, bank notes £5 and £10, Chip and Pin, contactless, Apple Pay and Google Pay)
  • Exit Barrier terminals (Chip and Pin, contactless, Apple Pay and Google Pay)
    ay and display (all coins 10p to £2)
  • Weekly tickets must be purchased online for Pay on Exit car parks. More information can be found on our Weekly Pay On Exit Car Park Ticket page.
  • Pay by mobile phone
    • the location code for this car park is 8308
    • the location code for coaches in this car park is 8309

In addition to the parking tariff, a 10p transaction fee applies to your Just Park booking. (Please note that your normal network data charges will also apply). If you are using the JustPark phone service you can opt in to receive reminder texts. These also cost 20p each. When using the App, JustPark will send you a free notification to let you know that your parking is about to expire.

How do I get help if I am having difficulties?

There is an intercom button on the machine, please press this and you will be connected to an operator who will be able to assist you. The intercom is manned between 9am and 5pm daily.

Season and rover tickets

Season, Rover and Coach Rover tickets are available for this car park.  Seasonal tickets are not available.

  • Season tickets – can provide cost savings for those parking regularly in one car park. Available in 1 month, 3 month, 6/7 month and annual options.
  • Resident season tickets - this ticket allows residents of Cornwall to buy a 6/7 month or annual ticket as a discounted price in most long stay car parks.
  • JustPark Wallet - Available through the Just Park app, the JustPark Wallet allows you to pre-load funds into a dedicated wallet in the app and buy parking sessions at a discounted rate.
  • Rover tickets - these allow you to park in most (but not all) Council long stay car parks for a week across Cornwall for a single payment.
  • Coach Rover tickets - allow you to park in many long stay car parks where coaches are permitted. Available in 24 hour, 4 day and 7 day options.

Reserved parking

There are various reserved permits available.

  • 1 registration number - £427.94 a year
  • 2 registration numbers - £481.44 a year
  • 5 registration numbers - £534.92 a year
  • unlimited registration numbers - £974.03

To apply for a reserved parking permit, use the contact details on this page or fill out our request a call back to buy a parking ticket or permit form. We’ll tell you whether reserved spaces are available and if there are any conditions that apply.

Disabled parking

The additional hour for Blue Badge holders does not apply in our Pay on Exit car parks.

All blue badge holders must display a valid blue badge with time clock set at time of arrival. Blue badge holders must pay the normal parking fee unless the vehicle is registered under Cornwall Council's exemption scheme or adapted vehicle scheme.

Motorcycle parking

Motorcycles can park for free in a designated motorcycle parking space where provided and in other areas of the car park where it doesn’t cause an obstruction. If you park your motorcycle in a car parking space, you must pay the normal fee for a car.

Motorcycles must not park in disabled or reserved spaces.

Facilities and details



Number of spaces




Secure car park


Car park opening hours

24 hours

Height restriction


Weight restriction


Suitable for touring caravans/trailers


Overnight sleeping

No sleeping or overnight camping

Electric Vehicle Charging Type 2 (43kW)
CHAdeMO (50kW)
CCS (50kW) 


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