Days to validate applications
The number of days quoted is indicative of when most applications are validated. Updated 4 December 2024.
* The DMPO defines 'working day' as 'a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holiday or other Public Holiday.' Any applications submitted on a non-working day or after 5pm on a working day will be classed as being received the next working day.
For information on the top 10 reasons why applications are invalid on receipt please visit the make a better application page.
This area provides information to Planning Agents who regularly submit planning applications to Cornwall Council. If you think anything is missing or have any feedback please email:
Officers are available by email and can pick up calls via MS Teams via 01872 322222. Officers will get back to you as soon as possible. Please can we ask that agents remain professional and courteous in their correspondence. Sometimes frustration is directed at officers unnecessarily.
Updated Pre-application Service Offering
Planning has updated its pre-application service offering. This includes offering pre-application advice on discharge of condition apps. Also a follow up service should further discussion be required. The categories have been amended making them clearer.
Please see the updated fees and charges document for more information.
Self-Build and Custom Build Draft Heads of Terms
From Friday 29th November 2024 planning require applicants to confirm your self and custom-build applications meets the legal definitions of self and custom-build housing and provide a legal agreement in the form of a Section 106 Agreement/Unilateral Undertaking, restricting the development to the definition of self-build and custom housebuilding.
Further information will follow shortly including a draft heads of terms template. A Case Officer will be in touch to request the above information where required.
Increase in Discretionary Fees
Planning have reviewed their fees. Discretionary fees increased on 2 December 2024. View the updated fees and charges document for further details.
Updated Validation Requirement - Noise Assessments
The validation requirement for noise assessments has been updated as follows:
For C3 (dwellinghouses) and C4 (houses in multiple occupation) uses only, if development is in the vicinity of any of the following:
- within 50m of a classified road with an AADT of 5000-9999
- within 100m of a classified/trunk road with an AADT of 10000+
There is no longer a need to provide a noise assessment. This will be considered by the Planning Case Officer during the consideration process and conditioned if necessary.
Planning Appeals
If you submit a planning appeal, please remember to send a copy of the completed appeal form and any appeal statement/supporting documents to the Council at
For larger files/documents you can use Egress Forms. We do not accept 'We Transfer'.
New appeal requirements for Section 106 agreements
The Planning Inspectorate has updated its guidance regarding planning appeals and S106 agreements from 2 October. Changes affect deadlines for receipt of S106 agreements or planning obligations.
Planning appeals: how to complete your appeal form
For written representations, an executed and certified copy of the S106 must be submitted at the time of appeal, instead of within 7 weeks from start date.
For appeals by hearing or inquiry, a draft S106 must be submitted when the appeal is made.
Biodiversity Net Gain in Cornwall
New Biodiversity Net Gain guidance page launched for information and guidance.
Mandatory BNG is subject to national minimum requirements. Cornwall Council continues to apply some local validation requirements for a BNG statement. The Validation Guide has been updated to reflect these changes.
Please consider if the exemption applies carefully and include a reason why the exemption applies on the form. Planning are receiving a number of applications with the exemption ‘de minimus’ and no further explanation. Where the reason for exemption is unclear a justification statement will be requested. Should it be found during the process that the exemption has not been applied correctly the application will be invalidated and the mandatory biodiversity net gain national information requirements will be requested.
It is important to consider BNG carefully at the pre-application stage to avoid any delays during the planning process.
Please see the Government Guidance Biodiversity net gain: exempt developments for further information.
Updated Validation Guide
The Validation Guide has been updated to version 1.7. The Validation Guide can be found on the 'Make a Planning Application' web page. A schedule of changes to the guide can be found in this table of Validation guide updates.
To ensure you are viewing the most up to date version please open the document and do a hard refresh of your browser.
New Waste Planning Guidance
All new domestic property or housing development needs to take into consideration
- how individual households store their waste, and
- how this waste will be collected from individual properties
The Council has developed a waste guidance checklist document for planners and developers. This is linked to Cornwall Council’s Design Guide. Applications will be reviewed to understand how proposals meet these new standards.
Accredited Agents Householder Scheme 2024
The Accredited Agents Householder Scheme will be continuing in 2024 and letters have just been sent to those agents currently on the scheme.
If you would like to join the scheme and/or would like more information, please visit the Accredited Agents Householder Scheme web page. Benefits include:
- Closer working relationships with the Council.
- Advertising on the Council's Accredited Agent webpage.
- You may also use the Accredited Agent logo on your business stationary.
New Validation Requirements - Climate Emergency DPD
The Climate Emergency DPD was adopted on 21 February 2023 by Cornwall Council. The policies in it are now being used in planning decisions.
You can find more details in the Validation Guide and in our Planning Policy Guidance webpages. This includes:
- Climate Emergency policy guidance including Sustainable Energy and Construction and Canopy policy help
- Energy Summary Tools (with introductory video)
- Transition arrangements
- Renewable Energy Offsetting Framework (to be used as a last resort).
Development in the River Camel Special Area of Conservation
We have updated our web area for phosphates. You can now find all our nutrient neutrality information from the Nutrient Neutrality in Cornwall page.
Designing in quality from the start
Boost your chances of planning permission as well as kerb appeal by following:
This guidance is a material consideration in determining planning applications. They support our adopted planning policies as well as the emerging Climate Emergency DPD and Local Transport Plan.
We will also prepare a new Cornwall-wide Design Code and support Neighbourhood Planning Groups in preparing their own design codes in line with the National Model Design Code. Further links include:
- Homes England Building for a Healthy Life
- new Streets for a Healthy Life guidance useful for larger residential-led applications
Email any queries to
Policy on accepting amendments to planning applications
Please note we have updated our policy on accepting amendments. You can view the new arrangements using this link: Revisions and amendments to planning applications
Chief Planner newsletters
You can view newsletters using this link: Chief Planner letters
Planning Agents Forums
We offer events for planning agents and developers submitted applications in Cornwall. You can find more information on events and resources on our Planning Agents Forum webpage.
We send out invitations direct to our subscribed agents. Would you like to get information and invitations on the Planning Agents Forum? If so, please contact Nic Phillips at
Saved Policies
You can now access saved policies and maps using this link: Saved Policies
Developer contributions
Community Infrastructure Levy charge on development
Cornwall Council has been a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Authority since 1 January 2019. Any new development determined after this date could be liable to pay a CIL. Visit the community infrastructure levy page now to find out how CIL may affect your development.
CIL Charge review requests
A developer can request a Regulation 113 review within 28 days of getting the Liability Notice if they disagree with how the CIL charge has been calculated. There are generally 2 common reasons why a calculation may be wrong:
- the size of the development changed whilst the application was being determined. This means that figures provided on CIL Form 1 at the start of the process are incorrect when we calculate CIL after an approval. Please submit a revised Form 1 if plans change after original submission.
- existing 'in-use' floorspace is not included in the calculation. This is often not deducted because it was not correct on Form 1. Please record existing floorspace correctly on Form 1 and discuss with your case officer if needed.
This means we have to calculate the CIL charge twice, discuss with case officers and agents/developers which all takes extra time. Please remember to use the CIL Form 1 to provide accurate and up to date measurements so we can calculate CIL correctly.
Phased development and Community Infrastructure Levy
The Council sends out a CIL Liability Notice when planning permission is granted. When the development starts, the CIL becomes payable.
You may not need to pay the whole amount of CIL due straight away, if development is phased. Please:
- consider if a development could be phased
- discuss this with your planning case officer early in the planning process.
Where a planning permission is phased, CIL is applied to each phase of the development. Each phase is treated as if it were a separate chargeable development. The benefit of this is that different parts of the development can start without CIL becoming due on other parts of the development. The permission must be explicitly phased by planning condition for it to be considered 'phased' for CIL purposes. View our Phased development and CIL webpage for information on the benefits of phasing including:
- self-build developments of more than one dwelling
- developments containing multiple uses
- developments where only part of the work is CIL liable.
If you want to know more about CIL and phasing please email the Infrastructure Team at
Please have a look at our Developer Contributions webpage for more information.
Area Team Planning
Planning case officers work in an area team structure of 8 area teams. Find out more about the area planning teams.
Enforcement officers work in areas in a similar way to that of the area teams. This team also deal with trees and minerals and waste.
A separate Appeals team of specialist officers deal with all appeal work.
Registration and validation are carried out in our Cornwall-wide Development Support team.
Other advice and guidance
You can find other guidance pages under the Planning advice and guidance area. In addition to those signposted, there are:
- Article 4s
- Constraints on development
- Design and access statements
- Discharging planning conditions
- How planning applications are decided
- Notification and publicity
- Planning performance agreements
- Role of the divisional ward member in planning
- Solar panels and planning permission
The Additional Development Guidance page contains guidance on:
- Class Q
- Annexes
- Use classes
- Guidance on water supplies for firefighting and access for fire appliances.
Planning News for Local Councils and Agents
Planning News for Local Councils and Agents is published quarterly. This is our newsletter specifically aimed at planning agents. You can find the latest edition using this link: Planning News