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Opt out form

If you want to opt out of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), please complete the form below.

Please note this form cannot be completed before you commence employment in your post or before your re-enrolment date.

What you need to know

  • Your employer cannot ask you or force you to opt out. If you are asked or forced to opt out, you can tell The Pensions Regulator
  • If you stay opted out, your employer will normally put you back into pension saving in around three years.
  • If you change your job, your new employer will normally put you back into pension saving straight away. If you have another job, your other employer might also put you into pension saving, now or in the future. This notice only allows you to opt out of pension saving with the employer you name below. A separate notice must be filled out, if you wish to opt out of any of your other employer’s pension saving.

Opt out notice

Your details

If you have multiple posts with the above named employer, please specify which ones you would no longer like to pay pension contributions on


•I wish to opt out of the pension saving with the LGPS. •I understand that I will lose the right to pension contributions from my employer •I understand that if I opt out I may have a lower income when I retire •I consent to this information being processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). •I understand that tax will be deducted and that it is not reclaimable even if I do not earn enough to pay tax.

Please tick the box to confirm that you agree to the statements

Privacy statement

This opt out form is used by the Fund to process your request to opt out of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).  The information will be kept for as long as you are entitled to benefits from the Fund.  Or any beneficiary who receives benefits after your death.

To protect personal information held about you, Cornwall Pension Fund is registered under the Data Protection Act 2018. The Fund may, if it chooses, pass certain details on to a third party, if the third party is carrying out an administrative function of the Fund. 

The Fund is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers.  It may use information for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for those purposes. 

View the full privacy notice

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