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Local Pension Board

Role of the Local Pension Board

The Cornwall Local Pension Board (LPB) has been established in accordance with recent changes in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations. 

The board will oversee, assist and support the management and governance of the Fund and plays a key advisory role assisting the Pension Fund Committee in managing the Pension Fund, ensuring that they are compliant with LGPS and other relevant regulations.

The Pension Board does not carry out a delegated decision making function on behalf of the Administering Authority. Instead the Pension Board will carry out an oversight function.

Membership of the Local Pension Board

The board is made up of equal numbers of Employer and Employee representatives each having one vote, plus an independent non-voting Chair.

  • Mark Spilsbury (Independent Chair)
  • Vacant (Employer Representative)*
  • Ian Smart (Employer Representative) - Director of Business and Finance at Torpoint Community College
  • Sam Davis (Employer Representative) - Chief Financial Officer at Truro and Penwith Academy Trust
  • Amanda Trowill (Employee/Scheme Member Representative) - Payroll Manager/Accountant at Truro and Penwith College
  • Katie Dalsgaard (Employee/Scheme Member Representative) - Senior Economic Growth Officer at Cornwall Council
  • Cas Leo (Employee/Scheme Member Representative) - Retired Member

*If you are interested in the current vacancy for Employee/Scheme Member Representative, please contact the Fund for more details.

The Local Pension Board has regular meetings (at least twice a year).

Related Documents

More information including the agendas and minutes of the Pensions Board can be found in the Councillors and Democracy section of the Cornwall Council website.

Scheme Advisory Board

In accordance with the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 and the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations, the Local Government Pension Scheme Advisory Board was established to encourage best practice, increase transparency and coordinate technical and standards issues. It will consider items passed to it from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), the Board's sub-committees and other stakeholders as well as items formulated within the Board.

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