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Benefits of the scheme

From April 2014, your Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) pension benefits are based on your career average revalued earnings (CARE).

This means that:

  • For each year in the scheme, you will build up a pension based on your actual pensionable pay including any non-contractual overtime in that year
  • As a main section member, a pension equal to a 49th of your actual pensionable pay will be added to your pension account each year
  • As a 50/50 section member, a pension equal to a 98th of your actual pensionable pay will be added to your pension account each year
  • Inflation increases will be added from April each year, to ensure that your pension account keeps up with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)

Other Local Government Pension Scheme benefits

  • The ability to increase your pension
  • Voluntary retirement from age 55
  • A pension guaranteed for 10 years
  • Tax relief


The Local Government Pension Scheme also provides you with the following protections:

When did you join the scheme?

If you joined the LGPS before 2008, you will receive a tax free lump sum when you retire.

If you joined the LGPS after 2008, you will have the option to convert some of your annual pension into a one off tax free lump sum at retirement.

Please note, if you joined the LGPS before April 2014, the pension benefits up to April 2014 are based on your final pensionable pay.

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