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Member briefings

We can attend your locality to deliver briefing sessions for your employees on the main benefits of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and answer any general questions that they may have regarding the Scheme and Fund.

These sessions last approximately 45 minutes and are suitable for those wishing to join or who are already members. There is no charge to you for these briefing sessions.

If you would like to book a briefing session, please contact Daniel Pattingale (Communication and Employer Training Officer) to arrange a suitable time and date by emailing

Pension Administration Strategy

This ensures that parties are fully aware of their responsibilities under the LGPS. These parties are both the: 

  • Administering Authority
  • Fund employers

It also outlines the performance standards they are expected to meet. These are to ensure delivery of a high quality and cost effective administration service.

You can view the strategy on the Regulatory Statements webpage. 

My Pension Online

Members of the Fund can now sign up for My Pension Online. This allows them to securely: 

  • access their pension account details
  • calculate pension benefits estimates

To find out more about this self-service facility, members can visit our My Pension Online section. 

Other Information




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