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Local Transport Plan

The Cornwall Transport Plan

The Cornwall Transport Plan is our Local Transport Plan.  It sets out our transport strategy and policies to 2030.  The plan was approved at Council on 12 April 2022.

The Cornwall Transport Plan is available at the links below:

Cornwall Transport Plan to 2030

Summary of Cornwall Transport Plan

Implementation plans

Implementation Plans set out what transport schemes we plan to deliver over a specified time period: 

Supporting documents

We used lots of evidence to produce our transport plan. Links to these are below:

Supporting strategies

We have written other strategies that give more detail about particular transport topics. 

Streets for People Design Code

This is a framework for how we design streets which are safer and more pleasant for walking, cycling, and using public transport.

Streets for People Design Code

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

Cornwall Council has worked with local bus operators to develop a BSIP. This presents a shared vision for the future of buses in Cornwall.

For more information visit our Enhanced Partnership and Bus Service Improvement Plan page.

Casualty Reduction Strategy

Our vision is to eradicate deaths and serious injuries from our roads, supporting an accessible, healthier and safer Cornwall. 

Cornwall Council are a partner of Vision Zero South West; the road safety partnership working to stop all fatal and serious collisions in Devon and Cornwall by 2040. 

A38 Feasibility study

You can also view the A38 road safety feasibility study documents:

Electric Vehicles

We have an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy.  This sets out how we will support the expansion of EV charging infrastructure up to 2030.

Sustainable Mode of Travel Strategy

Our Sustainable Mode of Travel Strategy sets out how we will continue to support sustainable school travel. 

Links to other policies and strategies supporting Connecting Cornwall:2030

Follow the links below to other policy guidance available on our website:

Community Area Partnership Highways Scheme

We want Community Area Partnerships to have a greater influence over transport schemes. Panels:

  • are kept up to date by Highways Managers on highways maintenance.
  • have an annual budget ranging between £22,932 - £144,660 (dependant on number of Members per CAP for smaller local transport improvements. This is part of the Local Transport Plan and will be a three year programme starting in April 2022.

For information on how to get involved: 

More information for Community Area Partnerships (Previously known as Community Network Panels):

Looking back

Our looking back documents celebrate the achievement's which we have made within transport throughout each financial year.