Validation checks all relevant information and fee (where applicable) has been provided. Validation checks applications against the Cornwall Council Validation Guide:
The guide is made up of:
National Requirements - required by legislation; and
Local Requirements – set by the Local Planning Authority (LPA).
Applicants can use the Validation Guide as a checklist to ensure all the relevant information has been prepared.
Where information is missing the application will be ‘invalid’ and further information requested.
Validation will take no further action until the applicant/agent provides the required information. Validation will return applications after 28 days if the applicant/agent does not provide the information required.
Pre-application advice
Cornwall Council offer a range of pre-application advice services. Benefits of using these services include:
- save time and money
- reduce the number of unsuccessful planning applications
- make sure you provide enough information with an application.
Make a better planning application
The make a planning application page includes the top invalid reasons to look out for. Its also includes links to relevant useful guidance.
Make a better planning application
Validation updates
The Validation updates page highlights recent important changes and provides links to new and amended guidance.
Interactive mapping
When reviewing the Validation Guide, some requirements are based on constraints and designations.
To find out if any constraints or designations affect your site visit Cornwall Council’s Interactive Mapping.
We are not able to share constraint layers for contaminated land on the Intranet mapping. A third party provides the data which prohibits it publication on our website.
The Business Regulatory Support Team offer a pre-application advice service which may assist.
Make a planning application
It is important to read the Validation Guide and other relevant guidance before submitting a planning application.
Providing all the relevant information at submission will help avoid delays.
Use this page and information to help submit your application:
The above page also gives an indication of validation timescales.
The DMPO defines ‘working day’ as ‘a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday or other public holiday.’ Any applications submitted on a non-working day or after 5pm on a working day will be classed as being received the next working day.
Accredited Agents Scheme
Using an Accredited Agent for householder developments may assist. Accredited Agents have proven to the Council that they can submit accurate applications. These are in line with the validation procedure. Visit the List of Accredited Agents page for further information.