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Use our interactive maps

There will be essential maintenance 8 - 11am on Thursday 20 February.
This will affect any forms or services using a map or an address lookup Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

New interactive mapping

Use the interactive mapping

You said, we did

We have listened to your feedback and made some improvements to the new mapping website.

Address search:
  • You can now enter a postcode and see all the addresses
  • All the results are highlighted on the map, and we have changed the symbol
  • We have made the map zoom in much closer when you select a result
Grid reference:
  • We have added a tool so you can see the grid reference of the cursor
  • You can use this tool to collect the coordinates of a specific point on the map
Layer list:
  • We changed the layer list to use checkboxes. Tick these to switch the layers and the groups on and off
Print tool:
  • We added a print tool so you can create pdfs or print maps
  • The basemap tool has been upgraded to give you access to all our basemaps. So if you find the map too pale, you can choose another one to use
  • We moved the basemap tool into the header bar next to the other tools
  • The scalebar now uses both imperial and metric units
  • We have made some help pages. Please click the info (i) button in the header bar of the mapping to see them.
  • Some layers (for example, parishes) are labelled. The label appears at the centre of the feature, so when you zoom in, the label can disappear. We are unable to fix this now, but we hope that it will be improved soon. We will update this page when we have some news.

The original mapping is built on technology that is no longer supported. It will eventually stop working and we will not be able to fix it. It will be switched off on 31 March 2025.  

Use the old interactive mapping


Cornwall Council strives to meet the needs of computer users with visual impairment or other conditions that limit accessibility.

The interactive mapping website is graphic-intensive in its nature. Due to this, these maps of Cornwall cannot be presented in an accessible format.

If you would like assistance with this please contact us:

Ordnance Survey

The maps used in these websites are published under our agreement with Ordnance Survey.

Please note that this means the maps on this website cannot be reproduced for professional/unauthorised use.

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