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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fund

Having a list of prioritised projects in your neighbourhood plan (NDP) can help support applications to the CIL Fund from within your community.  Development means new houses or new non-residential buildings.  When projects apply for CIL Funding, they must be able to show that there is local support for their project and how it links to the NDP (if there is one).  Being able to show need and support for a project through inclusion in a NDP, can also help to guide collection and spend of other developer contributions, such as public open space funding.  An extra CIL benefit is that where a Parish has an adopted NDP the local Council will receive 25% of the CIL received from development in that area.  Areas without an NDP receive only 15%.  

Cornwall Council publish information on how much CIL and s106 developer contributions are collected and spent each year in an Infrastructure Funding Statement.  These can be found on our developer contributions webpage.

Published: 17 June 2024

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (LURA) received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023.  It will make changes to the planning system and set out new requirements for the preparation of Local Plans.  It will also introduce National Development Management Policies for England next year.  We expect consultation on the content of these policies soon.  The LURA supports Neighbourhood Plans and introduces a new 'Neighbourhood Priorities Statement' (NPS).  These will offer an easier way for communities to set out their local priorities.  Local Authorities will need to take into account the content of NPS when producing a Local Plan.  We expect more detail on these changes later this year.  The Planning Advice Service has also produced a useful page of further information.

Published: 6 November 2023

Support Health and Wellbeing

  • 40% of health is influenced by social and economic factors such as:
    • education
    • job status
    • family and social support
    • income
    • community safety
  • 30% of health is influenced by our behaviour such as tobacco use, diet and exercise, alcohol use and sexual activity.
  • 20% of health is influenced by healthcare such as hospitals, ambulances and beds.
  • 10% of health is influenced by the built and natural environment such as housing, pollution and green space.

People in some places in Cornwall are dying earlier than they should.  Over the last decade inequalities have widened and the amount of time people spend in poor health has increased since 2010.

To create healthy communities, we need all the right building blocks in place:

  • stable jobs
  • quality housing and surroundings.

These building blocks give people a solid frame to withstand life’s shocks and challenges. In some areas these building blocks have weakened.

Neighbourhood Development Plans can play a vital role in ensuring communities have the right “building blocks” to support health and wellbeing. Find out more at Spatial Planning for Health.

Published: 28 March 2023

Climate Emergency Development Plan 

The Cornwall Climate Emergency DPD now forms part of the local development plan for Cornwall.  The policies in the plan will help us to act on climate change by using them to make decisions on all planning applications in Cornwall.  The DPD has policies on things like renewable energy and sustainable buildings.  Policies also encourage wildlife and trees and will help to manage flood risk.

All new neighbourhood plan policies will need to be in conformity with the policies in the CEDPD. For existing NDPs, where there is a conflict with a policy in your neighbourhood plan, the policies in the CEDPD will take precedence. You may want to review the policies in the CEDPD so that you are aware of any such conflict.

If you need more advice, please get in touch at

Published: 28 March 2023

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Published: 23 May 2024

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