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What is neighbourhood planning?

What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)? 

A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a planning document. They contain planning policies which form part of the Local Development Plan. In Cornwall, they are generally developed by Town or Parish Councils assisted by community volunteers. Cornwall Council will use the policies, alongside the Cornwall Local Plan, to make decisions on planning applications.

Why are they important?

NDPs allow communities to produce planning policies for development in their local area. Plans can decide where new homes, shops and offices are built and to influence what new development looks like.

Neighbourhood planning gives local people a powerful set of tools to plan for future development to meet their community’s needs. Producing a NDP is optional, there is no obligation to produce one.

Before you start producing a NDP, it’s important to think about what you want to achieve.   What are your local issues? What change does your community want to see and what would make your town, village or local area a better place to live?  A NDP must:

  • Have regard to local and national planning policy
  • Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development

A neighbourhood plan should not be used to prevent development but can ensure that new development helps to deliver your community vision and objectives.

How long does a Neighbourhood Plan take to prepare?

In our experience, NDPs take at least 2 years to prepare but can take 5 years or more from start to finish.  A significant amount of time and effort, usually by volunteers, goes into the development of every NDP.

Cornwall Council can offer advice at every stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process, including help on deciding whether it is the right option for your community, help with policy writing or evidence gathering and many other areas. Contact us at to arrange a time to discuss your NDP.

Locality Neighbourhood Planning has a step by step roadmap guide to creating a neighbourhood plan, a video and details of funding support.  We have produced a simple guide for the stages in the plan making process.  Our content and policies page covers neighbourhood plan policy writing.

What is a Neighbourhood Development Order?

A Neighbourhood Development Order is a form of deemed planning permission.  It grants outline or full planning permission in a neighbourhood area for specific types of development without the need to submit a planning application to Cornwall Council.  It can be unconditional or subject to conditions for example obtaining the approval of Cornwall Council on matters of detail or specifying the period within which applications must be carried out.  They can shape where development can go and what it will look like. 

Why are they important?

They can speed up the planning process.  They provide certainty to developers on things like conditions and infrastructure requirements.  They can support regeneration and site allocations for employment and housing. 

How do you prepare a Neighbourhood Development Order?

The process is like creating a neighbourhood plan so you can use the preparing a neighbourhood plan toolkit to guide you through the process.   

Cornwall Council can provide advice and help.  (Cornwall Council pays for the examination and referendum).  Financial help may be available from Locality. 

Locality Neighbourhood Planning has a neighbourhood development orders toolkit for creating a Neighbourhood Development Order and details of any funding support.  We have produced a simple guide for the stages in the plan making process. Our content and policies page covers neighbourhood policy writing.   

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