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Cornwall Registration Offices

Bride Signing The Register Bride Signing The Register

You can use any of the 12 offices in Cornwall, you don't have to use the closest one to your home. A list of services available is below.

All offices (except for Newquay, Saltash and Falmouth) have a dedicated ceremony room.

Please contact us on 0300 1234 181 to make an appointment before visiting an office. Lines are open 9am to 6pm Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri, and 10am to 6pm on Wednesday.

Bride showing wedding ring

Cornwall Weddings

We offer a range of packages that can be tailored to perfectly suit your needs, from simple fuss-free to bespoke.

Pink and blue bunting - card

Naming ceremony

A symbolic celebration to mark the naming of your child. You can choose any day, anytime.

Bereavement Guide

Bereavement guide

A guide to finding help and support for people who have been bereaved, experienced trauma, or who are facing death.