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Our graduated response for supporting children and young people with special educational needs

Every child and young person must have high quality teaching and support in their educational setting.  

Most children and young people with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND) have:

  • their needs met in schools and settings, and
  • will not need an Education Health and Care Plan

This process is the Graduated Response, but your child / young person’s SENCO may also refer to it as ‘SEN Support’.

Watch our short film below which explains what the graduated response is:  

What is the Graduated Response? 

The Graduated Response is a structured approach. It is used by educational settings to identify and support children and young people with SEND. It should ensure that every child / young person receives the right level of support at the right time to meet their individual needs. This approach is crucial for:

  • removing barriers to learning, and
  • helping children / young people achieve their full potential

How does the Graduated Response work?

When a child / young person is identified as having SEND, educational settings take immediate action to provide support. The Graduated Response and SEN Support can take many forms, but they all involve: 

  • early identification: recognising and responding to SEND as soon as possible
  • partnership with families: involving parents and carers in decision-making and keeping them informed
  • tailored support: using specific strategies and interventions to meet your child / young person’s needs
  • regular reviews: assessing, and adjusting, the support provided to ensure it remains effective

The Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle 

A key part of the Graduated Response is the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. This process ensures that support is monitored and adapted to meet the changing needs of your child / young person.  

  1. Assess: gather detailed information about your child / young person’s needs. This is through observations, assessments, and discussions with yourselves and professionals
  2. Plan: develop a personalised support plan. This outlines the strategies and interventions that will be used to help your child / young person
  3. Do: put the ‘plan’ into action, ensuring that all staff involved understand their roles and responsibilities
  4. Review: regularly review the child / young person’s progress and the effectiveness of the support in place. Make necessary adjustments based on feedback and new information. 

Our guidance documents below outline the support available for pupils with SEND across Cornwall in more detail:

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