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SEND Support Services

Together for Families supports children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. 

You can request help from our SEND Support Services. Please read the eligibility criteria for these services before completing a form:

Eligibility Criteria for SEND Support Services 

Any referral submitted without a parent/carer consent form will not be processed:

SEND Support Services Parent/Carer Consent Form

Complete request for involvement form

You can find information on the support we provide and how to access it below. We also signpost to national and local resources.

Communication Aids for Children and Young People

The team supports or replaces speech or writing with other forms of communication. They also provide support on using high-tech voice output Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices in schools.

Supporting Young People with Autism

This team works with children and young people aged 4-16 with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition. 

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychologists are specialists in learning, emotional well-being and child development. The team work with children and young people and provide advice to their parents and other adults who teach and support them.

Cognition and Learning

This service works with children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD - including Dyslexia) and Moderate (or General) Learning Difficulties. 

Early Help Hub

The Early Help service identifies the most appropriate help for a child or young person aged from pre-birth to 18. This is extended to 25 where a young person has Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.

Family Information Service

Find information, advice and support available to families in Cornwall. 

Hearing Support

The Hearing Support Team provides specialist hearing support and advice for infants, children and young people who may have temporary or permanent hearing loss which is impacting their education.

Physical Disability or Medical Needs

This service provides support to children or young adults with a physical disability or medical needs who attends school. Support is also provided to the school.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Find out what support is available for children and young people with social, emotional and mental health. Support is also available for schools.

Speech, Language and Communication

This service provides support to schools and families to work with children or young adults with speech, language and/or communication needs.

Statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability Service

This team make arrangements for children and young people with the most complex Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They also handle school admissions for children with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.

Vision Support

The team work with:

  • Children and young people, aged 0-25 years, with a diagnosed visual impairment
  • Their families
  • Settings, schools (mainstream and specialist) and colleges
  • Other professionals 

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