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Elections and referendums

Upcoming elections and referendums

Voter ID is required for all elections and referendums.  Please see our Voter ID page.

New postal vote and proxy vote rules. You can now apply for a postal vote online. You will need to give your National Insurance Number (NINo) on your application form. For more information, please visit the Electoral Commission website.

Carn Brea Parish Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - Polling day: Thursday 1 August 2024 

Penzance Town Council - Newlyn and Mousehole Ward - Polling day: Thursday 22 August 2024

St Hilary Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - Polling day: Tuesday 3 September 2024 

Interested in election work?

Are you interested in temporary work at election time? If so, please go to our Elections Recruitment page and complete our short form so we can add you to our election staff database. We will consider staff on the database for work at election time. 

(If you have worked for us at an election in recent years, your details will already be on our database. There is no need to reapply.) 

Election results and information

Neighbourhood Planning

For information on neighbourhood planning, please visit the Neighbourhood Planning in Cornwall page.

Future elections

Cornwall Council and Town and Parish Council Elections - The full council elections are held every four years. They are next due in May 2025. 

By-elections and referendums - When these polls occur, we will update this web page with the official notices. These notices should also be displayed locally on public notice boards. 

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