In 2015, the Government updated the Local Government Transparency Code. This sets out categories of information that all Councils should be publishing.
We are committed to the Code and have endeavoured to publish the information. There may be some cases where we are still working on publishing extra pieces of information.
This information provides details of payments made using the Council's Payment Cards.
Payments to suppliers exceeding £500
This information provides details of payments to suppliers where the invoice was for £500 or over.
Procurement information (contracts and tenders)
This information provides details of contracts entered into by the Council. Along with tender opportunities.
Here you can find details of Council owned land and property.
Here you can find the value of social housing stock that is held in the Council’s Housing Revenue Account.
This section provides a snapshot as at December 2023 of details of the top three levels of Cornwall Council including salary details.
This information provides a breakdown of income and expenditure on the Council’s parking account. It can be found in the Council’s Annual Parking Report.
Information about Council car parks and spaces.
This section provides details of senior Council staff whose earnings are over £50,000.
This sets out the ratio between:
- the highest paid officer the Chief Executive and
- the median earnings figure of the whole of the Council’s workforce
This information sets out key facts and figures on staffing, costs and numbers of cases in relation to investigations and fraud.
Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations
Details of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations, the types of organisations that may be included and examples of those not included.
The data on this page and links are here under the Open Government Licence. This data is available for you to re-use as you like. Where possible, we have made this data available in:
- a 'human-readable' format (such as PDF); and
- an open, 'machine-readable' format that is not dependent on any specific software (such as CSV or XML)
If you have any thoughts, ideas or comments about how we have presented our information please email