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Organisational Information

This page gives an overview of the following organisational information: 

  • Senior officer salaries and responsibilities
  • Pay Policy statement

Organisation chart

The organisation chart is a snapshot of staff in the top 3 levels of the Council: 

  • Chief Executive;
  • Strategic Directors; and
  • Service Directors

It includes salary information as at December 2023.

Senior employee information

This information sets out the responsibilities and further information relating to senior managers. The employees identified are also counted in the senior salary information below.

Employee remuneration

Remuneration is what employees receive in exchange for their work.  The following information is taken into account when making this calculation: 

  • salary;
  • fees and allowances;
  • bonuses;
  • expense allowances; and
  • compensation for loss of office

The information below provides details on the numbers of employees whose remuneration is above £50,000.  The numbers include employees identified in the senior employee information above. 

The bands reflect the salary requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. They do not align with Cornwall Council’s grade ranges and may not reflect actual salary levels.  

Pay Multiple

Pay multiple is the ratio between: 

  • the earnings of the highest paid employee, the Chief Executive and
  • the median earnings figure for the Council's employees

For 2022/23 this is 6.1:1

The calculation uses full time equivalent earnings if: 

  • an employee had worked less than a full year as at 31 March 2023
  • an employee worked less than full time hours on 31 March 2023

The calculation excludes Schools-based employees and apprentices.