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Payments to suppliers where the invoiced payments are greater than or equal to £500

The Council is supported by a vast range of supplies, works and services from external suppliers and providers.

For privacy reasons, payments to individuals are not included in the list. These include:

  • foster carers
  • children's carers
  • adult carers

The spending information does not include payments to some accommodation providers. 

This is because of: 

  • our duties under homelessness legislation
  • the vulnerability of some of the clients and the need to protect the details of their accommodation

Our data is produced on a monthly basis. It contains the supplier name and amount paid. We aim to publish the data by the end of the following month. This is to ensure that all the previous month’s information is complete.

Please note that to show the specific details of each invoice payable over £500, separate individual entries are shown. Some of these are under £500. This means that there may be more than “Invoiced Line Amount" relating to the same invoice number.

Request more information about a payment

If you wish to know more about any of the payments please e-mail quoting the following:

  • month of the report
  • ‘System Reference’
  • supplier name
  • the amount you are querying
  • your question

We will aim to provide an acknowledgement within 3 working days.

A response should be with you within 5 working days.  We will be as transparent as possible. In some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive.

There is also an annual 20 day period where the draft accounts are open for inspection. This is so that people can inspect documentation related to all expenditure, including items under £500.

Monthly reports

2024 spending

2023 spending 

2022 spending 

2021 spending 

2020 spending

2019 spending

Subsidy control assessment form

We are pleased to announce we have reached agreement with Greenwich Leisure Limited.  This is to solve the liquidity shortage faced by businesses.  It also ensures that the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 outbreak do not undermine their viability.