What is Transition?
The term ‘transition’ is used to describe the life changes that a child or young person may go through.
Key transition points include moving from:
- Class to class
- Early Years to Primary School
- Primary School to Secondary School
- Secondary School to work, college or university
It is as important to ensure a smooth transition from class to class as it is from key stage to key stage and setting to setting. Preparation for transition should be part of the ongoing Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle for children and young people with SEND.
Planning for Transition
Transition Planning Guidance gives an overview of the key principles of transition planning. It provides useful ideas and resources to support pupils through transition. It also gives planning suggestions for the four key transition points listed above. It is a useful resource for both the feeder setting and the receiving educational setting.
View the Transition Planning Guidance
Other useful guidance documents to help prepare for key transition points include:
- Preparing for Transfer from Early Years settings to a Primary School
- Preparing for Transfer from a Primary School to a Secondary School
- Preparing for Transfer from Secondary School to a Post-16 Setting
One Page Profiles
A One Page Profile, is a single page which gives a summary of an individual’s personal views about themselves to others. It may convey strengths, views, wishes and support needs. It can capture key information to assist in understanding and appreciating the views of the child or young person and how to support them.
For more information about One Page Profiles, how to use them and editable example templates, visit our One Page Profile page.
Other Useful Resources
- A range of free documents and activities for teachers to support children who have made the move from primary to secondary school
- A free, well-reviewed film about transition from primary to secondary Resources are also included
- NASEN Transition Guide
What is Preparing for Adulthood?
Transitions are major events. The Preparing for Adulthood outcomes are designed to help smooth these important transitions.
Early years settings, primary and secondary schools need to prepare children and young people for 'growing up.' This happens at each stage of children and young people's learning and development. It helps prepare them for the next stage of their education, training and employment and includes preparation for:
- New responsibilities
- New experiences
- New independence
- New challenges
Who is involved?
This information is relevant for everyone caring for or working with children or young people with SEND. It is particularly relevant to those working with or caring for children and young people aged 14 and above. It is also important that those with younger children start to prepare them for adult life at the earliest possible age.
What are Preparing for Adulthood outcomes?
The Preparing for Adulthood programme (PfA) is funded by the Department for Education. Preparing for Adulthood outcomes should be a focus of a young person’s EHC Plan Reviews from Year 9. The aim is to support young people to achieve their aims and ambitions particularly in the areas of:
- Employment
- Independent living
- Community inclusion
- Health
High aspirations are crucial to success. Discussions about longer-term goals should start early, well before Year 9 (age 13-14). They should focus on the child's or young person’s strengths and the outcomes they want to achieve.
In Cornwall we do this by working in partnership with Careers South West Group. They provide careers advice. We also work with schools, colleges and supported employment providers. Details of these partners can be found on the SEND Local Offer.
Supported Employment
In Cornwall we have given priority to employability as the key to young people living a healthy, happy life. There is lots of research evidence that demonstrates the importance of work. It gives a sense of purpose and the chance to make friends, get out of the house and socialise. Of course, the chance to get some money and independence are important too.
There are different supported routes to employment. These are apprenticeships, traineeships and supported internships.
Post-16 information for all young people in Year 9 or above who have an Education Health and Care Plan
Cornwall Opportunities is our website for young people in Year 9 and above with an Education, Health and Care Plan. It provides young people, their parents / carers and SENCOs with information about all the options available as each young person explores and makes choices regarding their post-16 education.