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One-Page Profiles

A One-Page Profile is a single page which conveys an individual child or young person’s personal views about themselves to others. It usually summarises an individual’s strengths, views, wishes and support needs. We use them to promote understanding of a person and how best to support them in a wide range of contexts.

What is a One-Page Profile is used for?

One-Page Profiles can be used in a variety of ways. These are some suggestions:


  • Introduce a child or young person or adult.
  • Introduce themselves to other people.


  • Support transition planning from class to class, year to year and setting to setting.
  • Support a person-centred approach for children and young people with SEND. We achieve this by sharing information between home, school and with other involved professionals.

Provide a contribution: 

  • Contribute to the Assess, Plan, Do , Review Cycle. This informs the school’s Graduated response to an individual’s needs.
  • Contribute the views of a child or young person at the meeting to review their EHC Plan.
  • Contribute the views of a child or young person as part of an EHC Needs Assessment Process. To avoid duplication, information for a One-Page Profile can be used to complete the “All About Me” section.
  • Contribute a child or young person’s views within a range of settings and contexts. For example: home, hospital, community clubs. 


  • Empower the child or young person to express their views and feelings and introduce themselves to other people.
  • Empower a young person to introduce themselves to an employer or a leader of a community club.
  • Empower a young person to become more independent and reach personal goals.

Children and young people with learning disabilities may have a Hospital Passport. Royal Cornwall Hospitals use this to help ensure patients receive the care they need. 

Preparing a One-Page Profile

When preparing a one page profile with a child or young person, it is important to consider:

  • What is its purpose?
  • How will it be used?
  • Who will see the One-Page Profile?
  • Where will it be kept?
  • How will you support the child or young person in order to capture their voice and genuine views?

Information which should be included

The content will vary. This depends on the intended audience and actual context for the individual child or young person’s One-Page Profile. Before creating a One-Page Profile the child or young person should be informed of its purpose and its intended audience.

You can develop One -age Profiles using the four key headings:

  • Like and admire: This gathers information about the young person from people who know the young person.
  • What is important to me: This is a bullet-point list of what matters to the young person from their perspective.
  • How to support me: Information the child or young person wants people to know about and what people need to do to support them. 
  • Things I want to be able to do in the future: The child or young person’s aspirations. Examples are: To be ready for the next class, the next school, and longer-term, in preparation for employment and adulthood. 

Adapting or adding headings to meet an individual's needs

The One-Page Profile can be altered to suit individual’s needs. See below to see some of the templates the SEND Services Team have developed for their students:

Examples of One Page Profiles:

Useful resources for completing a One-Page Profile:

How you can help the young person gather information for their One-Page Profile

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