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Communities and Groups

If you’re a community, with plans or ideas for planting trees then we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch and tell us what you’d like to do, or have already planned by using our Contact Us form.

We support communities to plant trees with:

  • advice for tree planting
  • supporting the development of plans for tree maintenance
  • helping you find funding and grants
  • training in tree planting and maintenance, pruning, and identification
  • bringing together volunteers with projects
  • helping people to become Tree Guardians
  • supporting community networks
  • encouraging the sharing of ideas between communities
  • engaging children and residents
  • signposting to other opportunities and celebrating trees through community events

Have you already planted trees? Drop a location pin on our interactive map to share your planting and the contribution it is making to nature recovery and tackling climate change.

Funding sources:

  • Urban Tree Challenge Fund - for the improvement of green spaces and urban streets. Funded by the Forestry Commission and Forest for Cornwall.
  • Trees for Streets - we are working in partnership with this organisation and schemes will be funded by the Defra Shared Outcome Fund and Forest for Cornwall. We are starting with a pilot project in Camborne. 
  • Forest for Cornwall funding - Our popular Back Garden Forest project will return this year, with thousands more free trees to be handed out. We also have other grants available, with up to £5,000 per eligible project to buy trees, protection, fencing, watering items etc.
  • People's Trust for Endangered Species: Orchard Grants. Funds available for old and new orchards. Applications open in the autumn. 

Contact Us if you would like to discuss funding for your project 

Do You Run, Work At, or Use An NHS Healthcare Site? If so have you thought about planting trees on the site? The NHS Forest can help providing trees, but they can also help with much more! Their projects have included occupational therapy gardens, staff allotments, productive orchards, mini meadows, outdoor gyms, rooftop terraces, wildlife ponds and more, with the aim of improving both patient and staff wellbeing. 

Parish canopy maps

These maps show the canopy cover in your area (from aerial photos taken in 2016). They can be very useful tool in decision making for your project. They also show the % canopy cover for your parish. There is further technical information and a sample map. If you would like a canopy map for your parish please Contact Us

Are you or your community thinking of planting trees on Cornwall Council land such as verges and open spaces? Have a look at our step by step guide to getting permission to plant.

Volunteer as a Tree Guardian and get rewarded with our Time Credits scheme

Anyone can volunteer as a Tree Guardian in their local area. This involves the vital work of watering, weeding, and keeping an eye on the young trees as they establish. This is particularly important if we have a hot dry summer following planting. As part of volunteering, all residents can join the Time Credits Scheme where your time is rewarded with voucher credits which can be spent at local businesses. These are available to anyone who volunteers with Forest for Cornwall.

Recent Projects

Take a look at our projects page which shows the range of projects we support


Utilities Checks: If you are planting trees it is essential to carry out the necessary utilities checks. We have outlined some guidance to assist you with this. 

Plastic Tree Guards and Recycling

Plastic tree guards can become a problem if they are not removed. They can restrict the growth of your tree and also add plastic debris into the environment. Tree guards can be removed after about three years in public spaces.  

In Cornwall we are lucky to have one of the few Recycling Hubs for Tubex plastic tree guards. This is hosted for free by The Grower at St Agnes. The company were concerned about the potential for more plastic waste in the landscape as tree planting increases. The Grower have volunteered to take any make of PP and PE tree guards you remove between May and September. 2024 is a trial year for this service, so please help The Grower prove the service is required in Cornwall by using it. Tubex also have some handy guidance on the removal of tree guards

The Forestry Commission is asking for help to locate redundant tree guards so that they can be recycled. They have created Plot That Plastic, a new app where you can add tree guard sightings. The FC will work with landholders and volunteers to remove tree guards in the future. 

Show your support

Get your 'I'm supporting Forest for Cornwall' badge for emails and documents or for sharing on social media!

By planting trees across Cornwall you are making an important contribution to the natural environment. You are also helping Cornwall's efforts to become carbon neutral. It would be great to hear about your tree planting, please use our Contact Us form.

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.

Use our contact us form