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Check to see what licences you may need

Below are some scenarios where businesses will need to apply for a licence. You can choose to decide which applications apply to your business. Or take advantage of our "Licensing Direct" service where we can talk you through the licences you need to be compliant, help you with your application, or check and submit it.

Find out more about our Licensing Direct Service.

Do you intend to

You may need

  • Store,
  • prepare,
  • distribute,
  • sell
  • or supply food or drink


  • Food Registration or Food Premises Approval
  • Export Certificate for Exporting outside EU  
  • Approval to use Protected Food Name
Sell or supply alcohol


  • General Information
  • Club Premises Certificate
  • Premises Licence
  • Temporary Event Notice 
Sell or supply hot food or drink between  11pm and 5am


  • General Information
  • Premises Licence
  • Temporary Event Notice 
  • Provide theatrical performances
  • Exhibit films
  • Provide indoor sporting
  • Provide boxing or wrestling
  • Provide live music
  • Provide recorded music
  • Provide performance of dance
  • General Information
  • Club Premises Certificate
  • Temporary Event Notice 


  • Provide performances
  • or demonstrations of hypnotism


  • Hypnotism Performance Licence
Exhibit sexual / adult films


  • Sex Cinema Licence


  • Provide performances
  • or displays of nudity for sexual stimulation for any member of an audience (can be an audience of one)


  • Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence
  • Premises Licence
  • Temporary Event Notice 


  • Sell,
  • hire,
  • exchange,
  • lend,
  • display
  • or demo sex articles 
  • or other things intended for use connected with, or for purposes of stimulating or encouraging sexual activity or acts of force or restraint which are associated with sexual activity.
  • Sex Shop Licence

Provide or Facilitate 

  • Betting,
  • Gaming
  • or Lotteries (includes Gaming Machines and Fundraising activities)  
  • General Premises Information 

Premises Licences

    • Betting Shops,
    • Bingo Premises,
    • Casino Premises,
    • Adult Gaming Centres,
    • Family Entertainment Centres,
    • Track  Betting
  • Family Entertainment Centre Permit
  • Prize Gaming Permit 
  • Occasional Use Notice
Temporary Use Notice
    • Licensed Premises Notification of 2 Gaming Machines
    • Gaming Machine Permit OR Club Premises Gaming Machine /
    • Gaming Permit
  • Small Society Lottery Registration
Or Keep within Exempt Gaming Limits
  • Refer to Gambling Commission’s Website for general information, guides and exemptions
Conduct civil ceremonies, such as civil marriage and civil partnership
  • Approved Premises Registration
Have sports stand(s) or a sports ground


Permit land to be used as:

  • a caravan site or relevant protected site (i.e. park home site)
  • or permit land to be used for camping purposes 
  • Camp and Caravan Site Licences (includes Park Home Sites)
  • Park Homes 

Allow children to perform or to be involved in certain activities (incl.

  • paid sporting,
  • performances & rehearsals,
  • modelling)
  • Child Performance Permission and chaperone licence
Employ Children


  • Child Employment Approval

Conduct Acupuncture

Conduct Semi-Permanent Skin Colouring

Conduct Cosmetic Piercing

Conduct Electrolysis

  • Skin Piercing Premises Registration and Skin Piercing Personal Registration
Deal in Scrap Metal


  • Scrap Metal Dealer Premises Licence OR Scrap Metal Dealer Collector’s Licence
Manufacture or Store Explosives (includes fireworks)


  • Licence to Store Explosives
Store or dispense petroleum


  • Petroleum Dispensing / Storage Licence / Environment Permit (Vapour Recovery)
Operate a Weighbridge


  • Weighbridge Operators Certificate
Use / Have Cooling Towers / Condensers


  • Registration of Cooling Tower / Condenser
Have industrial installation or processes that have potential to cause pollution


  • Environmental Permitting (Includes Vapour Recovery)


  • Produce,
  • process,
  • manufacture,
  • store,
  • transport
  • or distribute feed incl. any storing, producing, processing feed for feeding to animals which ultimately end up in the human food chain
  • Feed Establishment Notification / Approval
Keep an animal boarding establishment by carrying on at premises of any nature a business of providing accommodation for other people’s cats or dogs.
  • Animal Boarding Establishment Licence
Keep a dog breeding establishment by carrying on at any premises a business of breeding dogs for sale (by them or others)
  •  Dog Breeding Licence
Keep/possess any Dangerous Wild Animal
  • Dangerous Wild Animals Registration
Keep a Pet Shop by carrying on at any premises (incl. private dwelling) of a business of selling animals as pets or with a view to them being sold in the course of such a business whether by the keeper or other person.
  •  Pet Shop Licence
Keep a Riding Establishment by carrying on a business of keeping horses for either of the following purposes. The purposes of their being let out on hire for riding or of their being used in providing, in return for payment, instruction in riding.
  •  Riding Establishment Licence
Operate a Zoo where wild animals are kept for exhibition to the public (otherwise than for the purposes of a circus or in pet shop) to which members of the public have access, with / without a charge for admission
  •  Zoo Licence
Exhibiting or training any Performing Animal


  • Performing Animals Registration
Operate from a Boat (Boatmen)


  • Boat or Boatman’s Permit. May need permit to apply for hire (Prince of Wales Pier Falmouth) email:
Offer or Drive  Private Hire Vehicle(s) for Pre-Bookings  


  • Private Hire Operators Licence 
  • Private Hire Vehicle Licence 
  • Private Hire Driver’s Licence
Operate or drive  Taxi(s) for immediate hire with or without pre-booking. 


  • Hackney Carriage Licence 
  • Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licence
Operate, provide or drive an omnibus 


  • Omnibus Licence or Omnibus Driver’s Licence
Collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes in any street or public place.
  • Street Collection Permit
House to house collection for charitable purposes. Collection means appeal to the public, made by visits from house to house, to give, whether for consideration or not, money or other property
  • House to House Collection Licence

Sell or expose or offer for sale any article in a street  designated as a consent or licence street (street includes any

  • road,
  • footway,
  • beach,
  • service area
  • or other areas to which the public have access without paying) 
  • Street Trading Consent 
  • Street Collection Permit
Provide hair braiding services in certain areas of St Ives


Recreational Facilities on Highway (for example, tables and chairs), use of objects, executing work on highway by persons other than councils.
Have Banners over or along the highway 


  • Banner Consent
Have Bunting over or along the highway


  • Bunting Consent
Have Seasonal Lighting over or along the highway


  • Seasonal Lighting Consent
Have Flower Baskets over or along the highway


  • Flower Basket Consent
Have Plants, Trees & Shrubs in the highway


Have a Flag pole erected (highway)  


Want to provide Water Based Activities (council asset)


  • Water Based Activity Approval
Want to use Public Open Spaces / Council Property for  Filming or Photography


  • Filming Permission
Want to use Public Open Spaces / Council Property for Events
  • Permission to use Council Asset AND Event Notification Form / Request  
Need a Temporary Restriction of traffic for Community Events
  • Road Closure Order
Need to Construct a Cellar (highway)


Skip Operators & Licences


  • Skip Licence
Scaffolding Control


  • Scaffold Licence
Depositing Building Material on the Highway


  • Licence to work within highway limits
Temporary Excavation in the Highway


  • Permission for excavation works in the highway
Hoarding Control


  • Hoarding Consent
Consent for Structures over, along or under the Highway


Oversailing the Highway by Tower Crane


 Private Street Works


  • Street works Consent
Temporary Restrictions of Traffic for Works and Safety


  • Road Closure Order
Need Vehicle Crossings over Footways or verges


  • Dropped kerb consent
Need Parking dispensations of Waiting and Loading restrictions


  • Parking Dispensation Consent

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