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Dogs at weddings

Dog ring bearer - photo by Abi Riley Dog ring bearer - photo by Abi Riley

A dog is man’s best friend is a well-known saying, but can a dog be a man’s best man?

Many people consider their dog to be part of the family and consider them amongst their closest friends. It is becoming more popular for people to involve their furry friend in their wedding day.

Before giving your dog a starring role during your wedding there are a few things that you may want to consider:

  • Check the venue is dog friendly. Once you have made a shortlist of preferred wedding venues, contact their wedding planning team and ask the question. If the venue will allow you to bring your dog does the venue meet your dog’s requirements?
  • How will your dog react to loud noises or large crowds?
  • Are children attending your big day? How will your dog react to the attention that they are likely to want to direct towards the dog?
  • Have a back-up plan. Your dog could in theory be capable of walking you down the aisle or carrying the rings. On the day this may not happen. You should have an alternative option in place.
  • Choose a dog handler; you are going to be very busy on your big day. Have a close friend who is known to your pet to look after your dog after the big moment.
  • Consider the food, your dog may be quite happy to accept any treats offered to them, but not all wedding food will be dog friendly.
  • Wedding photographs featuring your dog will no doubt look fantastic. If you are taking these outside consider bringing some wipes. Muddy paw prints on a wedding dress are probably not the look you are going for. Also bring a lint roller to remove any excess dog fur from the groom’s suit.
  • Don’t forget about the doggie essentials; make sure you bring water, poop bags and some treats. It is also worth considering where your dog will be able to do their business, and where you can dispose of the bags.
  • Remember that your dog may get tired to and so taking their favourite basket / cushion or blanket will help them feel more comfortable.
  • Give your dog the chance to become familiar with the wedding venue. The dog is likely to be more relaxed on your wedding day if they are used to the smells and surroundings.
  • When planning your ceremony with your Celebrant Registrar discuss how you would like your dog to be part of your special day. 

It’s not just dogs; we have had couples who have involved all manner of pets such as cats, owls and horses. Remember it is your special day and we will make every effort to help you have the ceremony that you desire.

If you want to involve your dog or any other pet in your wedding day, speak to a member of our team. We will be able to offer advice and help you plan your ceremony.

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