If you need help paying your rent, you can claim Housing Benefit if you are of Pension Age.
If you are working age and need to claim help with your rent you will need to claim Universal Credit.
You can only claim Housing Benefit if you live in:
- supported accommodation, or
- temporary or emergency accommodation
How much am I entitled to?
The quickest and easiest way to check if you can get Housing Benefit is to use our online calculator below.
You will need:
- your details
- details of anyone else who lives with you
Don’t worry if you don’t have all the information now. You can save the form and come back to it later.
Revenues and Benefits will use information you share with the Council from Policy in Practice's Better Off Calculator to help identify what benefits or support schemes you may be eligible for.
This information may be shared with other Cornwall Council departments including those dealing with housing and social care support.
Each calculation shared with Cornwall Council will be assessed on a case by case basis to decide if to share with other departments for this purpose.