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Travel Plans

A travel plan is an evolving document targeted at reducing solo occupant car journeys to and from a particular site, or sites. A travel plan aims to do this through a series of measures and initiatives often focused around sustainable travel.

Cornwall Council offers support and guidance on writing and delivering plans.

One way to reduce car use is by working from home or doing more work and meetings online.  Visit the Superfast Cornwall site to find out if you can get superfast broadband.  You can also find out about alternative solutions and grants.


Did you know that a commuter will typically save over £1,000 a year? Find someone to share your journey with to begin saving money.

Car sharing is a great way of alleviating the stress caused by travel and reducing road and parking congestion.

Liftshare is a community platform where users can register their journeys and find matching journeys within the Liftshare data base to lift share which works best for you. Liftshare saves money, the planet and taking miles off ours roads. 

Sign up to the Lift Share Community

We are working with employers in Cornwall  to:

  • reduce congestion and pollution
  • encourage the use of alternative travel and public transport
  • promote health, exercise and a better work-life balance

We do this by providing assistance in respect of equipment and facilities that encourage sustainable travel, and to develop workplace travel plans.

Workplace Travel Plans

A travel plan is specifically designed to meet the transport needs of a company, its employees and visitors.

The travel plan aims to increase the level of sustainable travel, as well as support initiatives which actually reduce the need to travel. Specific measures can include:

  • car sharing
  • cycle parking facilities
  • user friendly bus timetables
  • car share schemes
  • working from home
  • promotion and awareness-raising with employees

To find out how a travel plan could work for your business, click on Your Travel Plan.

Travel to work grant

We have developed a toolkit to help you create and implement a voluntary travel plan. It covers a range of information to guide you through the process. This includes best practice advice and a travel plan accreditation award.

The toolkit

It’s recommended that you use the following 5 resources when creating your travel plan

The surveys and site audit form are in a Word format so they can be altered to meet the needs of your site.

The following 3 resources can be used to help you monitor and assess current travel patterns for your site, and can give you an idea of the timescales for creating and implementing the plan.

Reviewing your Travel Plan

Travel plans are evolving documents and should be updated regularly to make sure they stay relevant and effective.

A travel plan review means you can assess any changes in travel patterns, evaluate the success and progress of the measures outlined in your action plan and identify your next steps.

You can review your travel plan on an annual basis, or more or less frequently depending on the needs of the plan and your business.

The toolkit below has been designed to help you review your plan.

Review toolkit

This guidance was updated in 2023. It sets out Cornwall Council's approach and expectations in new developments for:
  • travel plans
  • parking standards
  • car clubs
This supports the policies of the:
The objectives of the guidance are to:
  • Create better places through our planning system and increase travel choices
  • Prioritise sustainable transport, in line with our transport modal hierarchy
  • limit damaging impacts of cars
  • encourage use of more sustainable alternatives where available
  • ensure that travel planning and parking levels are suitable for the local context
  • Support access for all
  • Enable cycling and adequate cycle parking facilities
  • Future proof for Electric Vehicle Charging.


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