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Voting by post

New rules now apply for handing in postal votes.

Handing in postal votes

New rules now allow a person to hand in their own postal vote plus a maximum of five postal votes for other people. 

If you are a political party or campaigner, you can only hand in postal votes for your family members or people you provide care for. 

You can hand in your postal vote at a polling station or to the reception team at New County Hall in Truro. You will be asked to complete a form. Please note we are unable to accept postal votes at any other Council offices.

If the postal vote return form is not satisfactorily completed, the postal vote(s) will be rejected. Postal votes posted through a letterbox at the Returning Officer's office will be rejected.

Find out more on the Electoral Commission website.

Apply for a postal vote

The deadline for applications is 5pm, 11 working days before an election (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Good Friday and bank holidays). If you already have a postal vote arranged for all elections, you only need to reapply if your details have changed.

Most electors can apply for most types of absent vote online.

Apply online for a postal vote

If you prefer to use a paper form, you can download an application form from the Government website

If you are an anonymously registered elector, you can only apply for a postal vote on a paper form. You cannot apply online.

If you are unable to sign your application form, please ask us for a waiver, to exempt you from signing.

You can apply for a postal vote to be sent to your home address or any other address you specify. People voting by post will not need to provide ID. 

When you apply, please ensure there is enough time to receive and return your ballot paper by polling day. Postal votes have to be received at our offices or a polling station by the close of poll (10pm on polling day). If we receive your postal vote after 10pm on polling day, your vote will not be counted.

The deadline for applications is 5pm, 11 working days before an election. This excludes Saturdays, Sundays, Good Friday and any other bank holiday.

At election time, we will send you a postal voter poll card confirming that you have a postal vote.

Postal votes are usually sent out 10 working days before the date of the election.

If you have not received your postal vote or have spoilt it, please contact us.

A replacement can be issued from our electoral services office up until 5pm on polling day. You will need to provide proof of identity to collect your replacement postal vote.

By law, you can’t sign an application on behalf of another elector, even if you have Power of Attorney.

Please be aware that to vote by post you must be registered to vote. If you live overseas permanently, you will need to register as an overseas elector.

If we send you a postal vote, you cannot vote in person at a polling station.

For more information, please go to the Electoral Commission website.

Please note: If you have already arranged a postal vote for all elections and referendums, you do not need to reapply. If in doubt, please contact us to check.

Identity checking

Absent vote applications must contain a National Insurance Number (NINo). If you cannot give a National Insurance Number, you must give a reason why one cannot be provided.

We must verify your details in your application (name, address, date of birth and NINo) against Department of Works and Pension (DWP) data.

If an application fails to match with DWP data, we will ask you for documentary evidence to verify your identity. Where this is not possible, you must submit an attestation to confirm your identity.

Maximum period for applications

From 31 October 2023, a postal vote can be in place for:

  • a particular poll (poll held on specific date)
  • a definite period of not more than 3 years
  • a maximum period of up to 3 years.

Change or cancel a postal vote

The deadline for changes to an existing postal vote is also 5pm, 11 working days before an election.

If you want to cancel your postal vote, you must do so by the above deadline. We will only accept a cancellation request:

  • by post
  • by e-mail
  • by phone
  • from the elector only. 

If we cancel your postal vote, we will write to you to tell you that you should now vote in person.

If you make a new application, this will replace your old arrangement.

To reinstate your previous absent vote, you will have to complete a new application form.


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