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Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)

Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is a way of looking at video clips of people interacting. It supports an understanding of communication. This provides a process for building communication and interaction skills.

  • It will highlight the strengths people already have linked to the area they want help with.
  • It will build on these strengths.
  • Seeing yourself communicating effectively is a very empowering and motivating process.
  • The process provides an understanding of communication that can be applied in any interaction.

  • An initial visit between VIG practitioner and case holder/referrer, supports the client(s) to work from the problem to identified goals that VIG can help with.
  • A short clip of video is taken (approximately 10 minutes) of the interaction of those involved.
  • The video is looked at by the VIG practitioner who will pick out a small number of clips showing positive communication.
  • The VIG practitioner returns to the client(s) to feedback and discuss the clips
  • Clients are equal partners in the process with the VIG practitioner.

  • The videos belong to the people in them.
  • Clients receive a written contract. It says that the video will not be shown to anyone outside of the VIG project without their permission. 

  • The model was developed in Holland 30 years ago.
  • The theoretical base to the model was provided by Professor Colwyn Trevarthen, based at Edinburgh University. He picked out the successful components of mother and baby interactions. These have become the corner stone to the approach and are referred to as “the principles of attuned interaction."

VIG is for parents and carers who want to make changes in their relationship, communication and interaction with their child. An assessment by a professional in the Together for Families services, such as Health Visitor (for children 3 and under), Social Worker, Family Worker, Psychologist, indicates a concern about:

  • A lack of emotional warmth in the relationship.
  • A predominance of negative responses from the parent or carer to the child.
  • The parent or carer is not being able to see the world from the child’s point of view.
  • The parent or carer having difficulty bonding with their baby or has missed the opportunity to bond with their child when younger.
  • The parent or carer being at the early stages of developing a relationship with the child and will benefit from some support to do this.
  • A parent or carer needing support to implement their learning from other interventions. (eg Incredible Years, Triple P, Passionate about…).

Due to a child’s SEND, the cues they give and ways they communicate are complex and a parent may benefit from additional support and confidence building in this area. See the guidance on 'Autism Spectrum Disorder in Under 19s: Support and Management' from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Before making a request please consider the following:

  • Has the assessment you have done with the family or child indicated that VIG would be the appropriate intervention? If so, can you make sure this is clear as part of your request for VIG.
  • Have you discussed whether VIG would be an appropriate intervention with other people working with the family? Is everyone clear why VIG would be helpful?

Answers to the following questions will be required before the request is accepted. This must be included in the Parent/Carer’s views section on the EHH request for help form or the Case Management Decision (CMD) form.

  • What change is hoped for from the parent or carer by engaging with the VIG and has this been mutually agreed?
  • What impact will this have on the child’s lived experience? Is the parent or carer clear about this?
  • Have any children aged 12 and over given their own consent to be filmed where relevant?

Requests for involvement for VIG are managed by the Early Help Hub or submitted via a Case Management Decision (CMD). Discuss the appropriate route with your line manager and follow the guidance to ensure all required information is included.

The appropriate questionnaire below will be completed with the parent/carer(s) based on the age of the child who is the primary focus of the work. If you or the family are not sure whether VIG is the right intervention then completing the PRFQ prior to referral could help.

Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaires

If you are not sure whether the service would be right for you or your client you can watch this Information for referrers video or please contact us for more information.

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