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Educating your child at home

Things to consider before you decide to home educate your child

The education of a child at home is a great responsibility for a family. It will require a major commitment of parents’ time, energy and money. There is no financial assistance for home educators. This means that some expense will be incurred, including resources and any exam entries. We do not provide schemes of work or resources.

You should never be pressurised to remove your child from a school to:

  • avoid formal exclusion, or
  • because your child is having difficulty with learning, behaviour or attendance

This practice, sometimes called ‘off-rolling’, is unacceptable, and if pressure of this sort is put on you, you should let us know.

Are you considering home education for your child due to a disagreement with the school or a teacher? If so, talk to the teacher concerned, or to the headteacher, before you make your decision.

In making the decision whether or not to electively home educate, it may be helpful to consider these points:

  • what the long-term education goals are for your child / children
  • why you are considering electing to educate your child / children at home
  • how you will provide an efficient, full-time education suitable for your child’s age, ability and aptitude
  • whether you have the time and capacity needed to educate your child at home
  • whether you are able to meet the full financial responsibilities associated with educating your child at home. (This includes the full costs of examinations if you intend for your child to sit these)
  • what form the learning will take place and how you will engage your child in learning
  • how you will choose what to teach your child and how to teach it
  • whether your home is suitable for teaching and learning. For example:
    • whether there is enough space
    • whether it can provide a quiet learning environment
  • what would happen if you are not available to provide suitable full-time education for a short or long period
  • whether your child will sit any exams, such as GCSEs. If so consider:
    • how you will ensure they cover the correct exam content
    • where will the exams be taken
  • what your child thinks about home education and whether they want to leave school and be educated at home 
  • that you understand how we undertake and carry out our legal responsibility in relation to parents who home educate

Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

You can home educate your child if they have a special educational need, including those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You need to ensure your child's special educational needs are met. Your child’s EHCP will be updated and reviewed annually.

Does your child attend an alternative provider or special school? If so, you will need our permission before you can take them out of the school and start home educating them.

When a child is removed from school roll, access to some SEND support services is limited, or no longer universally available to your child. It is important that you are aware of this.

Before removing your child from school roll, we recommend that you talk to the Statutory SEN Team by emailing for information and advice.

Read our Suitable Education Statement

Our bitesize guide provides answers to frequently asked questions about:

  • educating your child at home
  • what to consider, and
  • what to do next

Read our Bitesize guide for parents and carers

Our web pages provide you with lots of information, advice and guidance. This is for parents / carers considering education at home, and those who have already taken the decision.

Find out about educating your child at home

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