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If you decide to electively home educate your child

Things to consider before deciding to educated your child at home

We are responsible for ensuring that your child is getting a suitable education.

If your child is at school, you must write to the headteacher to inform them you have decided to take them out of school to educate them at home.

The school will remove your child from the school register and they will let us know. We will register your child as receiving home education.

Once your child is removed from the school register there is no guarantee there will be a place available at your previous school. If you change your mind you will need to apply for a new school place.

We will contact you to check some information and ask you for a brief outline of your home education plan. 

If your child has never attended a school we would appreciate being informed.  You can do this via email to or calling 01872 324298.

Information for parents who are separated or divorced

A parent with parental responsibility can elect to home educate their child. Providing there are no court orders specifically saying that one or other parent cannot do so, either parent can send in a de-registration letter without needing the other parent's consent. However, it is likely to be in the best interests of the child to discuss the withdrawal to elective home education with the other parent before taking the decision.

If one parent de-registers their child from school and the other parent disagrees, the decision can be challenged by applying for a specific issue order. This would be an issue between the two parents and the Court, it would not alter the validity of the original de-registration letter.

Neither the school, nor the local authority, can be responsible for mediating between parents. If they cannot mutually agree they will need to seek legal advice.

You can find out more on parental responsibility using the Department for Education links below:

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