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Educational support

The following are useful websites for educational support throughout your child's education.

Tutors / Tutoring

If you decide to employ a tutor either, as a paid service or through someone who volunteers to help out, make sure they are safe to work with children (e.g. they have a full disclosure and enhanced barring service clearance (DBS)

Starting school or returning your child back to school

You can send your child to school at any time. You will need to apply for a school place, but places aren’t guaranteed. Applying online is the quickest way.

Visit changing schools

Taking exams

There is no requirement for home educated children to sit public exams but they can as private candidates. If your child decides they want to take GCSEs, you should make your preparations as early as possible. It is sensible to start planning when your child is 14+ (Year 9). Careers South West  can give advice about the qualifications anyone needs for any chosen career.

Cornwall College offer home educated leaners entry to GCSE Maths and English AQA examinations. Contact our service for an application form.

All examination boards offer examinations for external candidates. You can arrange and pay for your child to take examinations as external candidates with an examination centre.

Find out about taking exams

The contact details for the exam boards in England are:

Work Experience

If you want your child to have work experience, you must abide by the child employment regulations. They also apply to children who are electively home educated.

Visit Work Experience

Pre and Post 16 college and education

Pre16 College Programmes

Home educated young people who are aged 15 or 16 (and would be in Year 11 if in school in the upcoming September), can apply for a place on pre-16 education programmes. This is available at both Cornwall College and Truro and Penwith College. 

To find out more about current courses, application arrangements and all enquires please contact:

Cornwall CollegeTruro and Penwith College

City College Plymouth

City College offers the Jumpstart Programme (for ages 14-16 who are home educated). This is a part time provision based at their Kings Road campus. Students attend up to 16 hours per week. They will complete mandatory English and Maths functional skills; they do not offer GCSE’s in any subjects. 

Careers Advice

CSW Group

Our partners, CSW Group, can support your child’s transition from age 16 into education, employment or training. They provide free impartial information, advice and guidance from specialist advisers.

Visit CSW Group

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service is a free carers service for adults and young people age 13 and over in England. Advice and guidance can be accessed via the telephone and online. They provide confidential advice and guidance to help you and your child make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities.

Visit National Careers Service

Useful education resources

You don’t have to follow the national curriculum but you need to make sure what you’re teaching is suitable for your child’s age and ability.

Our team can offer information, advice and guidance. 

 Publications and Materials

There are a wide range of companies supplying both publications and materials to parents who decide to electively home educate. We have included a small sample for guidance only:

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.