Minerals, waste and renewable energy policy forms part of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies document.
Cornwall has a strong and vibrant mineral industry with the building stone, aggregate, china clay and metalliferous mineral sectors benefiting from extensive permission areas. There is a need to ensure that these mineral sectors, which are important for the economy and environment of Cornwall, are supported and encouraged while minimising the environmental and amenity impact of such development and safeguarding resources for future generations.
The Minerals Safeguarding DPD sets out areas of mineral resources and infrastructure to be safeguarded from other forms of development. The Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document was adopted in December 2018.
Waste management within Cornwall has traditionally been heavily reliant on the landfill disposal of waste. There is increasing recognition that the landfilling of waste is unsustainable and a waste of resources. Cornwall faces challenging targets to divert waste from landfill, landfill disposal is becoming increasingly expensive and our landfill capacity is becoming exhausted. The Planning and Sustainable Development Service therefore works with both the public sector and industry to facilitate the provision of more sustainable methods of waste management.
Renewable Energy information
Cornwall uses an estimated £500m of energy each year. Much of this energy is imported from outside Cornwall and is largely dependent upon fossil fuel consumption. Cornwall has significant potential to provide and develop a broad range of renewable and low carbon infrastructure, including wind, geothermal, photo-voltaic, biomass and wave power, and the Planning and Regeneration Service aims to encourage the sustainable generation and use of energy within the County.
Further information including renewable energy data and maps can be viewed on the planning for renewable energy page.
The Planning and Sustainable Development Service is also responsible, in land use planning terms, for a number of Hazardous Substances Consent sites in Cornwall.
You can find more information using this link: Hazardous Substances consents