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Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document


Cornwall has a wealth of mineral resources. Its complex and diverse geology makes it distinctive. Current mineral extraction on:

  • china clay
  • aggregates (both primary and secondary)
  • building stone and
  • metals

Some of these minerals are of local importance for construction purposes. Others, such as china clay, are of international importance.

There is a need to provide specific detailed information and policy on mineral safeguarding. The purpose of the Minerals DPD is to expand on the strategic policies and safeguard mineral resources.


The Cornwall Minerals Safeguarding DPD was adopted by Cornwall Council on December 2018. The DPD carries full weight as part of the policy framework for Cornwall. 

The Minerals Safeguarding DPD covers the period up to 2030.  The Council must consider every five years whether the plan remains up to date (in accordance with Regulation 10a of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2017). The review, accepted by Cabinet 13th December 2023, concluded that the Plan remains up to date and continues to carry full weight in decision-making.

You can download the adopted Mineral Safeguarding DPD below:

An interactive map of the Mineral Safeguarding Areas is available.

If you would like a higher resolution version of the document please contact us at

The Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement are available to download below:

Sustainability Appraisal

The DPD is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report. This sets out the conclusions from the assessment of the policy within this document.

Habitat Regulations Assessment

A Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report accompanies the DPD.  It sets out the results of the HRA screening process for the Minerals Safeguarding DPD.


The Minerals Safeguarding DPD is also accompanied by technical evidence reports:

Inspectors Report

The Inspector’s Report can be viewed below:

Guidance on Mineral Safeguarding

The Mineral Products Association and Planning Officers Society has produced advice on mineral safeguarding policy. The Guide can be viewed below:

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