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Post-16 Travel Assistance

Can you travel on the bus?

Before applying for travel assistance provided by Cornwall Council, please take a look at the ticket products available direct from bus companies working together under the Transport for Cornwall Partnership. In most cases, tickets will be available at a lower cost than bus passes provided through the Council.  For full details and costs, please visit

Would another scheme be cheaper or better suit your needs?

Some learning/training providers offer their own transport schemes.  These may better suit your needs.  For further information, please speak to the learning/training provider directly or visit our other travel schemes page.

Other Travel Schemes

Who is eligible?

You can apply for a place at any learning/training provider, but you may not necessarily be eligible for travel assistance.

The eligibility criteria for travel assistance is set out within Cornwall's Post-16 Transport Policy.  You should read this document before applying for a school/college place, and before applying for travel assistance.

Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy 2024/25

If you are unsure if you are eligible for travel assistance, please contact us - see contact details below.

How to apply?

It is now too late to apply for travel assistance in the 2023/24 academic year.

From 1 June 2024, you can apply for travel assistance in the 2024/25 academic year using the link below.  Please do not apply before this date - your application will be cancelled.

Apply for Post-16 Travel Assistance

Who will consider the application?

Applications are considered by the Council's Transport Coordination Service.

How quickly are applications considered?

Applications will be considered within 20 working days. We kindly ask that you do not contact the Transport Coordination Service for an update on your application unless this timescale has been exceeded. Unfortunately, no travel assistance can be provided for your child whilst your application is being considered.

Please note, if your child is eligible, it may take a further 20 working days for travel passes/arrangements to be confirmed.

What travel arrangements will be provided?

If eligible, travel assistance will be provided via the most cost-effective suitable method – see below.

  • Students who attend a special school in Cornwall will travel via taxi/minibus.
  • All other students will travel on a school/college bus or via public transport.

Where the standard method of travel above is evidenced to be unsuitable, alternative travel arrangements will be provided.

Who can apply?

All students or their parents/carers can apply for travel assistance themselves via the link above.

Alternatively, your child's school/college or any other professional working with you and/or your child can apply on your behalf. However, they must have your consent to do so.

How much does it cost?

For students aged 16-18, Cornwall Council provides a subsidised travel scheme for eligible students.  The required payment contribution in the 2024/25 academic year is £636 per student.  This can be paid in full, or termly in advance – see breakdown below:

  • Autumn Term - £240
  • Spring Term - £240
  • Summer Term - £156

For eligible students aged 19-25 (on 31 August 2024) who have an Education, Health and Care Plan, Cornwall Council offers free travel assistance for eligible students.

Already receiving travel assistance but your circumstances have changed?

If your child is already receiving Post-16 travel assistance, but moves address or changes school, it is important that you notify the Transport Coordination Service.  Please do not reapply.

Young People With Education, Health and Care Plans

The Transport Coordination Service and Statutory SEN Service have jointly produced the guidance document below.  We hope that this will help support young people with Education, Health and Care Plans, and their families.

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.

Use our contact us form