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Park homes

Please find general help and guidance for park home residents below.

Helpful guidance and advice on maintaining and adapting your home

Community Safety

You can also report antisocial behaviour such as;

  • Verbal abuse
  • Vandalism
  • Joyriding
  • Noise nuisance
  • Criminal damage
  • Assault
  • Missile throwing
  • Underage drinking
  • Groups engaging in threatening behaviour
  • Harassment

Report antisocial behaviour

If you are subject to antisocial acts ring the police on the non emergency number 101. If the threat is causing immediate danger call 999.

Additional information is available on our Community Safety page and on the Safer Cornwall website.

Help for older people, adults with physical disabilities and mental health problems etc

Housing offers advice and assistance for individuals, families and landlords across Cornwall

Advice on fire prevention, safety in the home and Community Safety

Information on Library and Adult Education services

Government help for energy bills

Cost of living support for rising energy costs

We would like to encourage resident's one each site to set up a Qualifying Resident Association (QRA) if you have not done so already. For more information on QRA's please contact LEASE Park Home Advisory Servce. 

To help us maintain/update our park homes residents’ database, we’d like a record of your contact details. We will use what you tell us to keep in contact with you about matters relating to living on a Park Home site. 

Register as a park home resident

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.

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