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Housing Strategy

Housing Strategy for Cornwall

A good quality home is at the heart of individual and community wellbeing. We know we are facing significant challenges in tackling the current housing crisis. ‘Cornwall’s Housing Strategy to 2030’ sets out how we will make sure our homes help our residents thrive.

The Housing Strategy sets out how the Council will deliver its housing role. It will provide a framework within which more detailed policies will develop. We will be working alongside landlords, government, developers and everyone in the housing sector see Partnership Delivery below.  The aim is to meet needs by providing the right homes in the right places. It will focus on four key priorities: 

Great places

Places and communities are thriving. They contain decent and secure homes. We will:

  • Make better use of existing places, houses and buildings
  • Reshaping and revitalising town centres
  • Ensure homes and communities are well designed and meet local needs.
  • Lobby the Government to introduce new measures or devolve powers to the Council

Successful people

All residents have a good, safe and secure home from which they can build a great life. We will:

  • Provide homes which meet the current and future needs of residents
  • Improve residents health and wellbeing
  • Prevent homelessness and rough sleeping
  • Ensure people who need support have access to the right support.

Sustainable Growth

Growth that will meet Cornwall’s needs. We will:

  • Ensure growth meets the local demand for housing of all types
  • Maximising the number of affordable homes and social housing delivered in Cornwall
  • Support communities to work with the Council and developers.

Climate change

To ensure resilience now and in the future. We will:

  • Ensure that new homes are climate friendly
  • Reuse and repurpose homes rather than building new ones
  • Work with partners to lift families out of fuel poverty.

Partnership Delivery 

The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Strategic Housing Group provides strategic coordination, alignment and shared commitment to ensuring homes of the right type and quality in the right places to meet the needs of residents and communities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Their 2024-2025 Action Plan sets out current activity and who is responsible for taking this forwards. A summary analysis of Cornwall’s housing market and current housing delivery is also provided.

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Two adults and two children outside a house
image of a cul-de-sac
Young family outside a house
two houses