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Parent-Infant Relationships and Perinatal Mental Health

Start for Life imageEarly relationships between babies and their parents/caregivers are incredibly important.  The first 1001 days, from conception to age 2 for the infant, is a period of rapid growth for babies. During this time their growing brains are shaped by their experiences. In particular, the interactions they have with their parents and other caregivers. These experiences can have a long-lasting impact on babies throughout their life.

Being a parent can be overwhelming. It can sometimes feel strange, and confidence can dip with the struggle of new responsibilities.

Parents may also experience challenging feelings about:

  • themselves
  • their partner, or
  • even how they feel about their baby at times

It is really important and healthy to talk about your relationships with your baby, both during pregnancy and once baby is here.

This can help ensure that you are able to access the right support to help overcome any difficulties. And to build on your existing parenting strengths.

Are you worried about your own emotional wellbeing needs, and / or worries about your bond with baby? If so, please talk to any of the following for support and guidance:

  • GP
  • Midwife
  • Health Visitor
  • or any other Health Professional

You can find out how to contact these teams by visiting our services available to all families.

Needing advice about your baby or your wellbeing?

Mental health crisis support is available 24/7 on 0800 038 533 or call 999 or visit A&E

If someone's life is at risk, for example:

  • they have seriously injured themselves
  • taken an overdose
  • you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.

Use our contact us form

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