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How to report Ash Dieback

Check if there are other cases in your area

You can check if there have been any other cases of ash dieback in your area on the Forestry Commission Interactive Map.

Report ash dieback

If there are no reports of ash dieback in your area you can report the sighting using the link below: 

Report ash dieback

You should seek professional advice on the management of trees from a qualified tree surgeon (arborist) or tree specialist (arboricultural consultant). See the managing your trees page for more information. 

You should only report diseased ash trees to Cornwall Council when:

  1. The land they are growing on is owned by Cornwall Council
  2. They are posing a threat to the highway due to their poor condition.
  3. They are posing a threat to users of land or buildings within the control of Cornwall Council

In all other cases the trees are the responsibility of the landowner

Report diseased ash trees which may be a danger

To the highway

You can report diseased ash trees that may be a danger to the highway using the link below:

Report a threat to the highway

To users of land or buildings

To report diseased ash trees that may be a danger to users of land or buildings within the control of Cornwall Council please call 0300 1234 222.

Cornwall Council has very limited powers to act in the case of privately-owned trees if there is dispute or a landowner cannot be identified. These are used in exceptional circumstances only. If you are concerned about the safety of privately-owned ash trees you should raise your concerns with the landowner.

More information, including how and when the Council might take action is provided in our Dangerous Trees Advice Note

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