The Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) Orders with outstanding objections that were then sent to the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs for confirmation are below:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Restricted Byway at Little Trenay in the Parish of St Neot) Modification Order 2021
Council Reference: WCA 623
Planning Inspectorate Reference: TBC
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 14 September 2021) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Footpath at Middle Point in the Parish of Falmouth) Modification Order 2023
Council Reference: WCA 574
Planning Inspectorate Reference: ROW/3337228
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 11 July 2023) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
- WCA 574 Objections and Representations_Part 1
- WCA 574 Objections and Representations_Part 2
- WCA 574 Objections and Representations_Part 3
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Restricted Byway and Footpaths together with the Upgrade of a Footpath to Restricted Byway at Trevegean in the Parish of St Just) Modification Order 2022
Council Reference: WCA 651
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 8 February 2022) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Restricted Byway at Crafthole in the Parish of Sheviock) Modification Order 2022
Council Reference: WCA 561
PINS Reference: ROW/3327092
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 30 June 2022) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
Written Representations Notice:
Cornwall Council's Statement of Case:
- ROW 3327092 Index of Appendices
- ROW 3327092 Statement Of Case
- ROW 3327092 Appendix A
- ROW 3327092 Appendix B
- ROW 3327092 Appendix C
- ROW 3327092 Appendix D Part 1
- ROW 3327092 Appendix D Part 2
- ROW 3327092 Appendix D Part 3
- ROW 3327092 Appendix E
- ROW 3327092 Appendix F
The Cornwall Council (Upgrade of Footpaths to Restricted Byways together with the Addition of a Bridleway at Garlenick in the Parishes of St Stephen-in-Brannel and Grampound with Creed) Modification Order 2022
Council Reference: WCA 593
PINS Reference: ROW/3314921
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 13 January 2022) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
Secretary of State Notice:
Cornwall Council Statement of Case:
- ROW 3314921 Index of Appendices
- ROW 3314921 Statement Of Case
- ROW 3314921 Appendix A
- ROW 3314921 Appendix B
- ROW 3314921 Appendix C
- ROW 3314921 Appendix D1 Part 1
- ROW 3314921 Appendix D1 Part 2
- ROW 3314921 Appendix D1 Part 3
- ROW 3314921 Appendix E
- ROW 3314921 Appendix F Part 1
- ROW 3314921 Appendix F Part 2
Statement of Case - Objector:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Restricted Byway and Bridleways together with the Upgrade of Footpaths to Bridleways at Ventonwyn in the Parishes of St Mewan, St Stephen-in-Brannel and Grampound with Creed) Modification Order 2022
Council Reference: WCA 589
PINS Reference: ROW/3314913
In line with Paragraph 7(3) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 13 January 2022) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
- WCA 589 Objections and Representations Part 1
- WCA 589 Objections and Representations Part 2
- WCA 589 Objections and Representations Part 3
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
Secretary of State Notice:
Cornwall Council Statement of Case:
- ROW 3314913 Index of Appendices
- ROW 3314913 Statement Of Case
- ROW 3314913 Appendix A
- ROW 3314913 Appendix B
- ROW 3314913 Appendix C
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D1 Part 1
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D1 Part 2
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D1 Part 3
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D1 Part 4
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D2 Part 1
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D2 Part 2
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D2 Part 3
- ROW 3314913 Appendix D2 Part 4
- ROW 3314913 Appendix E
- ROW 3314913 Appendix F Part 1
- ROW 3314913 Appendix F Part 2
Statement of Case - Objector:
Statement of Case - Interested Parties::
Cornwall Council Proof of Evidence:
- ROW3314913 JR
- ROW3314921 JR
- ROW3314921 EW
- ROW3314913 EW
- New Witness KP
- New Witness N1
- New Witness N2
- Statement former Landowner
- User 1A
- User 9A
- User 11A
- User 13A
- User 17A
- User 26A
- User 31A
- User 33A
- User 36A
Objector Proof of Evidence:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of Bridleways together with the Upgrade of Footpaths to Bridleways and a Restricted Byway at Tregonning Hill in the Parishes of Germoe and Breage) Modification Order 2021
Council Reference: WCA 541
PINS Reference: ROW 3312595
In line with Paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 15 July 2021) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
- WCA 541 Objections and Representations Part 1
- WCA 541 Objections and Representations Part 2
- WCA 541 Objections and Representations Part 3
- WCA 541 Objections and Representations Part 4
- WCA 541 Objections and Representations Part 5
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
- WCA 541 Submission Part 1
- WCA 541 Submission Part 2
- WCA 541 Submission Part 3
- WCA 541 Submission Part 4
- WCA 541 Submission Part 5
- WCA 541 Submission Part 6
- WCA 541 Submission Part 7
- WCA 541 Submission Part 8
- WCA 541 Submission Part 9
- WCA 541 Submission Part 10
- WCA 541 Submission Part 11
- WCA 541 Submission Part 12
Secretary of State Notice:
Cornwall Council Statement of Case documents:
- ROW 3312595 Index Of Appendices
- ROW 3312595 Appendix A Order Map
- ROW 3312595 Appendix B Documentary Evidence
- ROW 3312595 Appendix C Physical Characteristics
- ROW 3312595 Appendix D1 User Evidence Forms Part 1
- ROW 3312595 Appendix D1 User Evidence Forms Part 2
- ROW 3312595 Appendix D1 User Evidence Forms Part 3
- ROW 3312595 Appendix D2 User Evidence Forms Part 2
- ROW 3312595 Appendix D2 User Evidence Forms Part 1
- ROW 3312595 Appendix E Landowner Evidence Part 1
- ROW 3312595 Appendix E Landowner Evidence Part 2
- ROW 3312595 Appendix E Landowner Evidence Part 3
- ROW 3312595 Appendix F Objections Part 1
- ROW 3312595 Appendix F Objections Part 2
- ROW 3312595 Appendix F Objections Part 3
- ROW 3312595 Appendix G1 Supporting Evidence
- ROW 3312595 Appendix G2 Additional Evidence
- ROW 3312595 Appendix G3 Parish Council Information Part 1
- ROW 3312595 Appendix G3 Parish Council Information Part 2
Other Parties Statement of Case Documents:
- ROW 3312595 Objector 1 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312595 Objector 2 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312595 Objector 3 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312595 Representor in Support of Orders
Proof of Evidence:
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Cornwall Council
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 1
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 2 (User 5)
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 3 (User 32)
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 4 (User 16)
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 5 (User 19)
- ROW 3312595 Proof Of Evidence Witness 6 (User 36)
Interim Decision by Planning Inspectorate:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of Restricted Byways together with the Upgrade of Footpaths to Restricted Byways at Tregonning Hill in the Parishes of Germoe and Breage) Modification Order 2021
Council Reference: WCA 542
PINS Reference: ROW 3312610
In line with Paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 15 July 2021) for confirmation by the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State is available below.
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
- WCA 542 Objections & Representations Part 1
- WCA 542 Objections & Representations Part 2
- WCA 542 Objections & Representations Part 3
- WCA 542 Objections & Representations Part 4
- WCA 542 Objections & Representations Part 5
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
- WCA 542 Submission Part 1
- WCA 542 Submission Part 2
- WCA 542 Submission Part 3
- WCA 542 Submission Part 4
- WCA 542 Submission Part 5
- WCA 542 Submission Part 6
- WCA 542 Submission Part 7
- WCA 542 Submission Part 8
- WCA 542 Submission Part 9
- WCA 542 Submission Part 10
- WCA 542 Submission Part 11
Secretary of State Notice:
Cornwall Council Statement of Case documents:
- ROW 3312610 [WCA 542] Cornwall Council Statement Of Case
- ROW 3312610 Index Of Appendices
- ROW 3312610 Appendix A Order Map
- ROW 3312610 Appendix B Documentary Evidence
- ROW 3312610 Appendix C Physical Characteristics
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D1 User Evidence Part 1
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D1 User Evidence Part 2
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D1 User Evidence Part 3
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D1 User Evidence Part 4
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D1 User Evidence Part 5
- ROW 3312610 Appendix D2 User Evidence
- ROW 3312610 Appendix E Landowner Evidence
- ROW 3312610 Appendix F Objections Part 1
- ROW 3312610 Appendix F Objections Part 2
- ROW 3312610 Appendix F Objections Part 3
- ROW 3312610 Appendix G1 Supporting Evidence
- ROW 3312610 Appendix G2 Additional Evidence
- ROW 3312610 Appendix G3 Parish Council Information
Other Parties Statement of Case Documents:
- ROW 3312610 Objector 1 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312610 Objector 2 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312610 Objector 3 Statement of Case
- ROW 3312610 Representor in Support of Orders
Proof of Evidence:
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Cornwall Council
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 1
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 2 (User 6)
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 3 (User 32)
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 4 (User 17)
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 5 (User 14)
- ROW 3312610 Proof Of Evidence Witness 6 (User 36)
Interim Decision by Planning Inspectorate:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of Footpaths at Babis Lane and Town Quay in the Parish of Saltash) Modification Order 2017
Council Reference: WCA 436
PINS Reference: ROW/3295824
In line with Paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Cornwall Council submitted the above Order, (made by Cornwall Council on 16th November 2017) for Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmation.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State are available below:
Copy of the Order as submitted:
Objections and Representations made and not withdrawn:
Cornwall Council’s Submission to the Secretary of State:
Secretary of State Notices:
Statement of Case Documents from Interested Parties:
- Applicant Part 1
- Applicant Part 2
- Applicant Part 3
- Applicant Part 4
- WCA 436 Representor 1
- WCA 436 Representor 2
- WCA 436 Representor 3
- WCA 436 Representor 5
- WCA 436 Representor 6
- WCA 436 Representor 7
- WCA 436 Representor 8
- WCA 436 Representor 9
- WCA 436 Representor 10
- WCA 436 Representor 11
- WCA 436 Representor 12
Order Modified by the Secretary of State:
Addition of a Footpath and a Restricted Byway at Metherell in the Parish of Calstock
Council Reference: WCA 547
PINS Reference: ROW 311106
In line with Paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 15 to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Cornwall Council submitted the above Order (made by Cornwall Council on 13th May 2021). This was submitted to the Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for confirmation.
Cornwall Council’s submission documentation to the Secretary of State are available below:
- WCA 547 000 OMA Covering Letter
- WCA 547 001 Substitute For Orders
- WCA 547 002 Copy Orders
- WCA 547 003 OMA Submission Letter
- WCA 547 004 OMA Grounds For Confirmation
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 1
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 2
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 3
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 4
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 5
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 6
- WCA 547 005 Representations And Objections Part 7
- WCA 547 006 OMA Comments On Objections
- WCA 547 007 Copy Of Notice Of Publishing The Order
- WCA 547 008 OMA Certificate Notices
- WCA 547 009 OMA Certification Consultation
- WCA 547 010 Consultation Replies
- WCA 547 011 Persons And Bodies Notified
- WCA 547 012 OMA Undertaking Notice Of Confirmation
- WCA 547 013 Location Plan
- WCA 547 014 Permission For Inspector
- WCA 547 015 Address Of Applicant
- WCA 547 016 OMA Supporters Order
- WCA 547 017 Display Of Documents
- WCA 547 018 H&S Questionnaire
- WCA 547 019 Secretary Of State Letter Of Dispensation
- WCA 547 020 Extract Of The Definitive Map
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 1
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 2
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 3
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 4
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 5
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 6
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 7
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 8
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 9
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 10
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 11
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 12
- WCA 547 021 Evidence Forms Part 13
- Secretary Of State WCA 547 Redacted.
Secretary of State Notice:
- ROW_311106
- Updated ROW_311106 Combined Notice
Cornwall Council Statement of Case Documents:
- ROW 3311106 Index of Appendices
- ROW 3311106 Statement Of Case
- ROW 3311106 Appendix A
- ROW 3311106 Appendix B1
- ROW 3311106 Appendix B2
- ROW 3311106 Appendix B3
- ROW 3311106 Appendix C Part 1
- ROW 3311106 Appendix C Part 2
- ROW 3311106 Appendix C Part 3
- ROW 3311106 Appendix D
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E1
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E2 Part 1
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E2 Part 2
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E2 Part 3
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E2 Part 4
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E2 Part 5
- ROW 3311106 Appendix E3
- ROW 3311106 Appendix F