The council receives many requests for information relating to council tax accounts.
We are now publishing details of our most frequently requested information on this page in order that you do not need to make a formal request and can obtain the information more quickly.
Council Tax banding rates and charges for 2024/2025 for individual parish areas
This data will be released yearly (April)
Number of Council Tax properties per band for 2024/25
This data will be released six monthly (October and April)
Bands per Parish A-F A list of properties in parishes A-F with their Council Tax Bands.
Bands per Parish G-O A list of properties in parishes G-O with their Council Tax Bands.
Bands per Parish P-R A list of properties in parishes P-R with their Council Tax Bands.
Bands per Parish S-T A list of properties in Parishes S-T with their Council Tax Bands.
Bands per Parish U-Z A list of properties in Parishes U-Z with their Council Tax Bands.
In 2013 Cornwall Council removed the discount for second homes, which resulted in all “unoccupied dwellings” paying 100% council tax. The consequence of this change was that we do not monitor second home ownership through Council Tax. Therefore as we rely on residents informing us of the status of the home, the data is not considered to be a 100% reliable indicator of the scale of second home ownership.
This data will be released six monthly (October and April).
Collection and Recovery
This data will be released six monthly (October and April)
Our Corporate Debt Policy sets out the way we collect Council Tax
The legislation which sets out the legal framework for enforcement action, if payments are not made in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, is the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992, as amended.
Enforcement Agencies
Our current contract with the enforcement agents ends on the 31 January 2025 with 2 x 12 months options to extend.
Revenues and Benefits System Supplier
Key facts, figures and evidence about the housing market in Cornwall