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Council Tax 2024

The Budget and Council Tax for the 2024/2025 financial year was set on 20 February 2024. This covers the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. 

How much is Council Tax going up?

There is an overall increase in Cornwall Council’s part of the Council Tax of 4.99%. This includes 2% resulting from powers granted by the Government to set an Adult Social Care Precept. This raises extra Council Tax to provide much needed money for adult social care services. These support vulnerable people in Cornwall. The overall increase equates to £1.73 per week for a Band D property. This is within the 5% referendum limit set by the Government for Councils like Cornwall Council.

Police and Crime Commissioners are limited to a Band D increase of £13 for 2024/25. The Devon & Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner increased their Band D charge by £12.94 compared to the previous year, so again is within the limit set by the Government.

Town and Parish Councils are not limited by any regulations with regard to how much they can increase their charge.

Therefore it is possible that your total Council Tax increase for 2024/25 may be above 5% 

How does the Council raise money?

The Council raises income to pay for local services through a mix of ways. Nearly half of this comes from grants, fees and charges. The rest is mainly from Council Tax, Business Rates and central government funding.

What does the Council spend money on?

Where else does my Council Tax go?

How do I pay my Council Tax?

Why do we have to pay Council Tax?

Every year the Council sets a budget. This sets how much we will spend on local services like roads, bins and grass cutting. This spending is partly funded by Council Tax. The Budget and Council Tax for the 2024/25 financial year covers the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

What is happening to the Council’s budget overall?

Like all local authorities, Cornwall Council continues to face significant financial challenges. These include:

  • significant cuts in our funding from Central Government
  • service demand pressures
  • inflation

This means the Council will need to save more than £28m in 2024/25, with £31m of savings identified by 2027/28. However, despite these savings, a budget gap of £74m still remains by the end of the four-year period. Closing this gap is a priority. Work is ongoing to further develop demand management strategies. These will mitigate the future forecast pressures.

Thanks to our budget planning over the past few years the Council is in a strong position to deal with the financial challenges ahead. We have worked hard to become more efficient and effective by:

  • restructuring the council
  • delivering services in different ways

We are also working with:

  • Town and Parish councils
  • local residents
  • the voluntary and community sector

This will give communities more say in the running of their local services.

Find out more

See our financial publications for more details.

Financial Publications

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