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Data and intelligence

Effective planning and decision making is reliant on robust, accurate and timely data and intelligence.

Below you will find links to Cornwall Council intelligence by topic area, and other key data sources.

Intelligence by topic area

The Cornwall We Know

A dedicated website containing overview information about Cornwall. This includes a monthly Insights Dashboard of social, economic and environmental indicators.

Health and Wellbeing

Public Health intelligence, including the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). This identifies and monitors

  • changes in local health and wellbeing needs
  • inequalities of the local population

Sources include the Community Insights Profiles tool.


A dedicated page of key facts, figures and evidence about the housing market in Cornwall.


Economic intelligence sources including Economy Monitoring Monthly Update (EMMU).

Community Safety

Safer Cornwall's library of documents and publications. These cover all aspects of crime and disorder in Cornwall.

Fire and Road Safety

Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service's community risk profile and evidence base.


Key data sources

Insights Dashboard

A monthly dashboard of headline indicators. These help identify and monitor social, economic and environmental factors affecting Cornwall's:

  • communities
  • residents
  • businesses

The dashboard also includes population demographic and equality and diversity data. 

Equality and Diversity Dashboard

An evidence base on equality, diversity and inclusion in Cornwall's communities.

Residents' Survey

Results from the annual residents' survey. These help Cornwall Council to understand residents’ priorities and experiences. We can then provide the best possible services to meet residents' needs. 


Every ten years the Office for National Statistics carries out a population census. For each release, we have written a dedicated 'Cornwall picture' from the census data. 

For more information, please see our dedicated Census 2021 page.


Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a national measure of deprivation. It is undertaken once every four years.  The index measures deprivation across small geographical areas or neighbourhoods. These are called Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs).

The latest IMD data was published in 2019. Cornwall ranked 83 out of 137 local authority areas for overall deprivation.  In 2015 Cornwall ranked 68 out of 326 local authority areas.

Cornwall Plan 2020-2050: Together We Can

The Cornwall Plan 2020-2050 sets out the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board's shared vision and goals.  This dedicated website includes the Cornwall Plan Progress Report Dashboard 2022.

Office for National Statistics

The Government's official statistics website.


Official labour market statistics.


Key European statistics.

LG Inform

Local area benchmarking tool from the Local Government Association.

Department for business energy and industrial strategy

Statistics on:

  • business
  • emissions
  • energy sources, prices and efficiency
  • fuel poverty
  • the survey of public attitudes towards business and energy policy

House Prices

UK house price index.