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Education, Health and Care Plans

Most children and young people’s special educational needs can be met within educational settings with universal and specialist support (SEN support). A few children and young people with complex needs will require the support of an education, health and care plan (EHCP). 

An educational health care plan is a document that’s supports a small number of children and young people that have particularly complex special educational needs and disabilities 

Most mainstream education settings will be able to meet your child’s special educational needs. However, if your child needs more support than the setting can provide, they may need a EHCP assessment. 

An EHCP is required if the child or young person needs to attend a specialist education provision. 

Settings should first use the Graduated Response to:

  • (Assess) Identify the level of need.
  • (Plan) Involve parents, carers and other professionals.
  • (Do) Put in place appropriate support to meet the needs of the child or young person.
  • (Review) Regularly review the support. 

Reasonable adjustments should be made for all children with special educational needs.

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