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Information for Transport Operators


In the event of an emergency, please call 0300 1234 222.


All taxi (hackney carriage and private hire) operators and drivers must be licenced with the Council.  This is before they can operate any Cornwall Council contracts. Further information on this can be found on the Council’s licensing pages.

Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS)

All taxi drivers need two separate DBS checks to work on Cornwall Council contracts. A separate DBS is required in addition to that undertaken as part of the Licensing process:

  • All taxi drivers working on Cornwall Council contracts must undergo a second DBS check specifically for this work.
  • The on-line EBulk system should be used for these checks
  • New DBS checks must be carried out every 3 years. Clearance must be confirmed prior to drivers working on Cornwall Council Contracts.
  • You can make significant cost savings by using the DBS update service.

Please contact the Transport Coordination Service for further information:

Tendering for Contracts

Contracts are currently tendered on Sproc.Net.

Register on Sproc.Net


It is mandatory for all taxi drivers working on our contracts to undergo our training course. This training has now replaced the requirement for drivers to undertake the Taxi Driver NVQ course.

The training course will incorporate Customer Care, Contract Compliance and Safeguarding, delivered over one half day session.

To book your place, please contact the Transport Coordination Service.

Code of Conducts

All drivers and passenger assistants must abide by our Code of Good Practice guidelines.

Bad Weather Procedures

Many bus companies will now be on the Council’s circulation list. This is for daily e-mail notification of proposed treatments on the county road network and weather forecast.  If you do not receive this information and would like to be added to the circulation list, please do let us know.

It is for a headteacher to decide whether his/her school is to close.  The Headteacher must then advise the School Emergency Team at County Hall. They in turn will notify this office and local radio stations.

Transport providers must decide whether to operate on a day when road conditions are considered hazardous.  If a school is open and a contractor decides not to run or modify its various services; the Contractor should inform the school and then the Transport Coordination Service.

It is unlikely but a vehicle may be stranded in especially adverse conditions. It is of paramount importance that information is given to this office without delay in these circumstances.  Children and young people must be encouraged to stay with the vehicle where their safety can be assured and their whereabouts known.

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