Social, emotional and mental health is sometimes called (SEMH) for short. Having good SEMH creates the foundations for healthy and positive interactions. When children and young people feel safe and secure, they can engage in their education.
Having good SEMH means that people can cope with the stress and demands of everyday life. They are able to take advantage of all the opportunities available to them. They can also make a positive contribution in their communities. People with good SEMH experience fewer emotional or mental health difficulties.
Emotional Wellbeing
Positive emotional wellbeing allows a young person to function well in society. They can meet the demands of everyday life. All people have ups and downs in their emotional wellbeing (high stress and low stress days). This is perfectly normal and a natural part of our thinking and thought processes. Yet, this may become an issue when a young person’s emotional wellbeing is negatively affected. This could be through long periods of unsupported stress and or anxiety. This may also affect their psychological / social wellbeing. It can result in a child or young person being unable to cope with the stress and strains of day to day life.
Psychological Wellbeing
Psychological wellbeing is the ability to:
- Be self-reliant
- Problem-solve
- Manage emotions
- See aspects from other people’s perspective
- Be able to give and receive constructive criticism and
- Be attentive
During times of high stress and anxiety, some aspects of a child’s or young person’s psychological wellbeing may not function. During these times it is important that a young person’s emotional and social wellbeing is strong. These abilities will allow them to deal with the difficulties they face.
Social Wellbeing
Social wellbeing is the ability to form and hold positive and age-appropriate relationships with others. Good social wellbeing allows a young person to function with their peers. This is in such a way so as not to cause distress and or harm to themselves or others. Poor social wellbeing may impact a person's ability to overcome challenging social situations. It may lead to a negative effect to their psychological/emotional wellbeing.
A special educational need is something that makes it harder for a child/young person to learn. These children and young people may need extra or different help. Many children and young people will have SEND of some kind at some time during their education.
Social emotional and mental health (SEMH) is a special educational need when a child/young person’s daily life is affected. This may affect their:
- Achievements
- Ability to form positive relationships
- Mental wellbeing
- Ability to manage their own emotions and behaviour
SEMH and the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years
We refer to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25 years, (2014, p.98), and it:
- Introduces Social, Emotional Mental Health as a new Special Educational Need (SEN). Removing Behavioural, Emotional and Social difficulties.
- Identifies that inappropriate, disturbing and or challenging behaviours are a sign of underlying or un-met need.
- Outlines how the social and emotional difficulties experienced by children and young may manifest themselves.
SEMH as a specific area of Special Educational Need in Cornwall
Identifying a child or young person as having SEMH as a primary area of SEND should be a “last resort”.
First, other areas of SEND have to be fully investigated. We do this through the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process.
Clear evidence needs to be produced showing that behaviours/unwanted actions are not a result of an unmet or undiagnosed need.
The main areas for investigation prior to assessing SEMH as a SEN are:
Communication and Interaction
We call speech, language and communication needs SLCN for short. Children/young people with SLCN have difficulty in communicating with others.
They may have difficulty with:
- Speech
- Language
- Social communication
- Or all of these
We call Autistic Spectrum Conditions ASC for short. This includes autism and Asperger's.
Children and young people with ASC are likely to have difficulties with social interaction. They may also experience difficulties with language, communication and imagination. This can impact on how they relate to others.
For more information visit:
Cognition and Learning
Children and young people who learn at a slower pace than their peers may need support. This is in cases where appropriate differentiation is not enough.
For more information visit the Cognition and Learning Service information pages.
Sensory and/or Physical
Some children / young people need special educational provision because they have a disability. It may prevent or hinder them from making use of educational facilities. These difficulties can be age related and may fluctuate over time. Many children/young people with impairments will need specialist support and/or equipment to access learning or habilitation support.
For more information visit:
We can help support and sustain good mental health by:
- Having a clear understanding of what might be causing the negative impact
- Knowing where to go for support and help
How a child or young person can be supported in schools and educational settings
First, other areas of SEND have to be fully investigated. We do this through the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process.
Clear evidence needs to be produced showing that behaviours/unwanted actions are not a result of an unmet or undiagnosed need. See the Social, Emotional Mental Health as a Special Educational Need section for more information.
Universal or targeted support should resolve most concerning behaviours. It's only when these are ineffective that we give specialist support to educational settings.
The Assess, Plan, Do, Review Process
The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 promotes the use of the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle.
This is used to meet the needs of pupils and improve practice at many levels ensuring that:
- Individual pupils needing SEND support and those with an EHC Plan receive the best provision to achieve positive outcomes.
- SEND provision made by an educational setting evolves to meet the needs of all pupils with SEND.
Graduated Response and Support
When a pupil is identified as having SEND the school must take immediate action. Staff must put effective SEND provision in place and remove all barriers to learning. The Graduated Response details the support offered.
The Graduated Response Tool sets out the minimum standards for pupils with SEND across Cornwall. The aim of the document is to inform inclusive, enabling and consistent practice across Cornwall’s schools. This forms part of the plan for a child or young person’s SEND provision.
Managing Self-harm Guidance and Toolkit
The guide recognises the growing number of young people who harm themselves in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Young people living in Great Britain have the highest rate of self-injury in Europe. Many school staff struggle to know how to respond to incidents of self-harm.
The guide supports the local transformation plan for children and young people’s mental health services. It will also support and complement your self-harm policy. This may be something your school has or is developing.
It includes:
- What is self-harm?
- Who self-harms and what are the risks?
- Why young people self-harm
- How self-harm works
- Spotting the warning signs
- Responding to self-harm in schools
- Assessing risk
- Confidentiality and information sharing
- Other factors to consider
- Roles and responsibilities within schools
- Guidance for primary schools
Online Support
Sometimes community and voluntary support helps resolve issues relating to SEMH. Find out more on the Cornwall SEND Local Offer.
Top Tips for having good SEMH
Bosvena School, part of the Special Partnership Trust, will become Cornwall’s newest Special School. It will be a centre of educational excellence for pupils with a significant level of Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.
The school will provide 65 places for children aged from 5 to 16.